(ESP-ENG) Somewhere Over The Rainbow, el lugar para hacer tus sueños realidad esta dentro tuyo - Somewhere Over The Rainbow, the place to make your dreams come true is within you


Porque no hay nada que me transmita mas positivismo que una buena canción, canciones dedicadas a la vida, canciones dedicadas a los sueños. En excelente cancion de "IZ" Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, su Somewhere over the Rainbow. Un artista hawaiano, que pese a su joven muerte, dejo un legado musical para todo el planeta.

Because there is nothing that transmits me more positivism than a good song, songs dedicated to life, songs dedicated to dreams. In an excellent song by "IZ" Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, his Somewhere over the Rainbow. A Hawaiian artist, who despite his young death, left a musical legacy for the entire planet.



Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere over the Rainbow

El lugar donde tus sueños se hacen realidad, esta dentro de ti, esas necesidades que necesitas suplir y esos deseos de tranquilidad están dentro tuyos, medita, escucha tu interior, y dedícate a disfrutar la vida y vivir tus sueños. Serena tu mente y viaja al lugar que necesites para encontrar paz en tu ser.

The place where your dreams come true, is within you, those needs that you need to meet and those desires for tranquility are within you, meditate, listen to your interior, and dedicate yourself to enjoying life and living your dreams. Calm your mind and travel to the place you need to find peace in your being.


