Rain Coat



You asked me to look out the window. This is not the first time I thought the weather forecast was wrong. But at the moment, I don't like to argue with myself because they probably rarely make accurate predictions. From what I heard from the news anchors, I shouldn't have kept so much stock off. I grabbed my rubber red boots and sick green raincoat and looked in the hallway mirror to see myself. I looked unusually pale that day. But I was guessing it might be the light of the hallway. The ugly green raincoat in my reading made me look worse.

At that time, I did not want to give so much importance to the coat. It's too old; my father bought the coat. Honestly, this coat is my favorite. But the color looks a bit like the green shade of pea soup, and it doesn't fit well. I forgot to say; that he didn't buy it for me. It was my dad's own. Though I have many more things to remember about Dad, it was always like a jacket that made me feel close to him all the time. I noticed it poured buckets of rain outside.

For a moment, I wondered if it would be okay for me to go out, but I needed to go out. Because my relatives will be waiting for me this evening, if I don't get out of the house now, I will never be able to get there in the evening. It was a journey of about 4 hours with or without rain. I tended to travel in this bad weather because I thought the sky might clear in a while. Either way, I might get away from this rain and storm. I decided I needed a purse, a cooler, a car key, an umbrella, and an emergency road map. Then I went to the garage and put the things in my arm in the front seat, but it felt good to think I wasn't completely wet.

Eventually, I headed for my relative's home. I took off the raincoat I was wearing to cool off from all the running. I drove gently. I felt good because there weren't many cars on the highway. Because there are Missouri drivers who tend to move erratically in extreme weather. There were even many people I saw who didn't know how to drive, even in mild weather. I was sipping my water bottle while driving. Water was needed to keep oneself awake and alert. I noticed that the rain was slowly increasing, and my car was going through the current. I felt like I was driving through the waterfall, and it was getting worse instead of better.
