The Job!


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The morning was dark with smoky factories emitting gas; it was too hard to breathe. It created a light mist over the entire area, with small buildings appearing blurry from a distance. But skyscrapers still show light and sharp edges through their windows that dare to touch the sky.

City colours always mean quiet until you find your city destination or your way down an alley. Someone in a booth in front of me was playing the flute, which was charming. I sigh, though I can't hear myself over the crowd on the train. I listened to a baby cry, a gasping cough. People laughing, a child complaining, an angry older man disapproving. But above all, I could hear the train wheels on the track.

The rumble of train wheels was like a rhythm, which I don't like very much. It was still a twenty-minute drive to my office. Don't you think it would be nice to find a job in the city closer to your home? But not that easy. Although there are many buildings to apply for, there are opportunities, but you also have to consider the number of people, thousands of people running. Nothing is more boring than doing the same thing in the same room for hours all day; it's disgusting.

I love routine, but almost twenty years of the same horribly boring job has bored me. It makes me very upset. I didn't think I could go to work today; my boss wouldn't have refused if I needed a few days off. He was generally a man of strict character, loved work, and did not slack off. He even told me he would pay me while I was on leave. But he now says you shouldn't get paid for doing anything. I guess my situation was unique, but some say sadly. Two months ago, there was an incident, and it's a full-blown real story.

Yesterday, as I was typing away at my computer, it broke me in the middle. Every person in the office heard me scream, insulting. I am a shy person; I like to stay away from attention and gossip. I can only dream of everyday, quiet life now where I can avoid people's stares and false accusations.
