The Letter



The afternoon is over, and the evening is approaching. My mom usually calls this time lazy time. Gradually the sky began to turn pink. I noticed the crescent moon was starting to clear in the sky; it is now somewhat quarterly. Cycling has been a great hobby since childhood. That hobby has now become a habit. I was cycling in the valley between the two hills. Then the stars began to show their shy looks. You will enter the star fair at the highest mountain point with yourself.

As far as the eye could see, the golden weeds swayed in the afternoon air. And the straw bell was rolling far away. The white wildflowers on the hill had already started to point to the soft ground. The fireflies began to sing as the silence reigned. In my bicycle basket were a picnic blanket and a book of my choice. I decided to go back from there. But the situation gripped me, so I started to set them up in a better place.

At that point, a letter brushed on the tip of my finger in my basket. My mom probably forgot to take the note out of the mailbox and put it in my basket. Maybe I told her to put it in my basket. When I noticed the letter, it was a light beige color with a maroon wax top. The letter kept calling to my heart. I wondered if the words on the paper might bring me good news. Because from last week in my life with nothing but sadness and longing. After much thought, I gently replaced the letter in the basket again. I take out my picnic blanket and start setting my essentials on it. I was tired. I felt like I was going home now. I fell into a deep sleep.

I took the letter in my hand again to relieve my fatigue and gently opened it. The nicely folded paper inside went dropped. Because I opened the envelope in reverse, I noticed someone's neat handwritten path letter was scrolled. Then I started reading it.

"Hopefully, this letter will reach you in the best condition of your health. I hope you will forgive me for my short letter today. You must understand that love between us will never work. I love you so much, but I can't do it anymore. We are both from different worlds, and it is impossible to be together. I think you already understood that in last week's letter. I will always miss your cleverness and your smile. Only heaven knows how much I love your smile. I believe you can illuminate a house with your smile. I think we can get out of the time we spent together."

I looked up at the sky, tears welling up in my cheeks. I feel the tears come to my lips as I roll and finally become a dot on top of the letter. Already the ink has begun to separate, and the words have faded together. Then my thoughts were as chaotic and incoherent as muffled words. I was utterly hopeless and lost my senses. My throat tightened as I tried to fight the tears. I clung to trying to resist the urge to cry.
