Travelgirl Spends Public Holiday with Taro | 芋頭又來了我們家玩

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday is a public holiday in Sydney and with the extra-long weekend we were glad to see our friend Taro again! We haven’t seen him for a couple of weeks and it seemed like he has grown a bit. When Taro and the kids saw each other, it’s like they were long lost friends all hugging each other.

昨天是英女王生日所以在澳洲是一天公眾假期. 還記得我們狗狗朋友芋頭嗎?芋頭昨天到我們家玩了一整天. 已經幾個星期沒有看見牠感覺牠長大了不少. 芋頭看見我家兩個小朋友大家都瘋了一樣,他們不停抱芋頭,好像一百年沒有見的樣子


While the kid was having their Arvo nap, Taro was also having his. It was super cute as he never really napped at our place before so to actually go down at the same time with the boys was actually really amazing! Taro is such a good dog! Taro and slept for 2 hours while the adults were either out or having a nap themselves.

玩到累之後兩個小朋友要瞓午覺已芋頭都要休息. 芋頭是第一次在我們家睡但非常順利兩個小朋友和芋頭都睡了兩小時. 小朋友和狗狗都非常乖所以我們都有時間休息.


We had a nice dinner and had more playtime. While most of us were playing Mario Party on the switch, Baby M and Taro was playing like crazy again. They got so tired both laying on the mat catching a breath with Taro fully exhausted and went for a quick nap. The catch with Taro’s visit is close to all the doors to the rooms with carpet. We once found him under our bed Cos it was nice and cozy there but for me it is more of him weeing there as it’s too comfortable. We are so glad to see Taro again and can’t wait for another play date again ❤️

我們吃了一個豐富的晚餐之後就繼續玩 Switch. 但 BB M 同芋頭就玩玩具,兩個玩得非常開心. 玩到攰兩個就瞓在地上休息.每次芋頭來我們家我都要關上每個房間的門因為他喜歡躲在床下面. 其實我不介意的但怕芋頭忘記會在房間裏去廁所所以就用這個方法不讓牠進我們房間裡. 好開心昨天可以跟芋頭玩希望我們可以好快再跟牠見面.


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animation by @catwomanteresa

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