Travelgirl Visits Adra Op Shop @ Morisset | Travelgirl 二手商品店推介 - Adra @ Morisset

Hi Everyone / 大家好,

The weather was super warm but we still tried to check out the area if there were any op shops worth checking out. We found one called Adra which is newly opened at Morisset on the way home to Sydney. It was a super big warehouse with aircon so even at 40 degrees heat outside, it wasn’t that bad inside the complex. It had all the things you can find at an op shop but in a more organised manner which I love. Lots of volunteers there and making sure everything is clean especially with COVID19.

今次到 Toronto 期間開車回家的路途找到一間好大的二手店叫 Adra. 這家店幾個月前開的所以網上也沒有什麼看到什麼文章介紹這家店. 當天天氣有 40 多度但裡面有空調所以可以接受不是太熱. 一進去就可以看到這裡好大,好整齊. 我們還可以看到好多義工來這家店幫手還有提醒顧客要乾淨 COVID19 還在.


What caught my attention were all the crystal ware on sale but the prices was definitely more than those at normal op shops. They do know how to price but the selection is pretty good. They are mostly vintage and are definitely cheaper than buying them at the stores. They even have a table full of Christmas things for people to buy for the up and coming festive season.

我先看到好多水晶杯但價錢就比其他二手店貴但會好多. 他們還有放好多聖誕可以用的東西讓大家可以買一點回家可以用.

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There were so much furniture you can decorate your house here. Lots of them are brand new or nearly new at bargain prices. I can see why people come here to check if there are any cool pieces to buy home and knowing the money goes to a good cause.

這裡還有很多傢俬,好多人回來看看有什麼可以買回家. 這裡的傢俬好新,大多不好的都不會賣. 其實好多人來買的原因是知道付了錢是給了要需要的人.



Lots of cool vintage dolls in this cabinet. I don’t collect these but they are great for those who love bears. I love these vintage canisters, you can tell they are very old school and that price of $50 for the set is not cheap.

喜歡懷舊的玩具可以來看看這裡的好可愛熊. 相信捐出來的人好喜歡熊的. 我看見一套好舊的古董廚房用的盒子. 這個類型是很久以前有錢人用的盒子放米,茶,麵粉等等但這套要 $50 覺得有點貴還有自己不會用所以就放棄不買.

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We go to op shops to look for old books. Hubby loves getting books from op shops as they are normally brand new or hard to find titles so he gets a kick out of it. At 50c a book, it’s a bargain! If we are in the are again, we will definitely come by again and see what other gems we could find.

最後我們來二手店最主要是看書. 老公好喜歡在這類地方買書因為可以找到一些難找的書還有可以常常找到全新的書因為好多人都收到書做禮物但不會讀就捐出去所以買這些書可以省錢還有錢可以幫助有需要的人,一舉兩得. 在 Adra, 每一本書只要 50c, 好便宜!下一次如果在去 Toronto 方向的會再來 Adra 逛逛, 真的不錯.

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animation by @catwomanteresa

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