Few keys for posting consistently


Hive is not the same for everybody because human minds are different. I invited over 100 people to hive but only a few are posting till today. Why, well, people have different reasons. Some could be a lack of time, not having a zeal for content creation and many other reasons. Some people are full-time hiver, some are part-time and some are just bystanders. There are people that are in and out. They just browse through the trending, check a few things and close the page.

Also, among the consistent hivers here, hive is still not the same because of the different aims in mind. Some sees Hive as a money-making venture, some as decentralization and some for freedom of speech. In all of that, what matters is the activities of people here and how they are using their content.

But, what happens to a full-time hiver when the rewards on their posts are not enough to fit their needs? What of peoples that feel discouraged when they get only $0.5 on their post? Even with my longevity on this blockchain and with a couple of people I have worked with, there are times I post and get only $0.20.But it doesn’t seem like the reason I post. The reward is always encouraging, but it shouldn’t be your purpose for publication.

Many people have addressed these issues and how to post consistently. I want to start my onboarding program this week and this is the thought that crossed my mind and I think without bombarding too many points, these 3 keys below will help.

Low expectation

The aim is to create first and grow consistently. There are many keys to success on hive and the first is making friends and engaging. Creating content is not enough. If you start a physical business, you need to interact with people and let them know what you do before you can make sales. The people on hive are human and not bots and they need to know you also as human not just posting. Engagement is more important than posting. And when you post, do not set a value for your content in your mind. Your work is to create, not to set monetary value.

Find your community

There are many communities on Hive with different purposes. Browse through the communities and know where you fit in. This will make your content to be highly valued. However, some communities support general contents that has value and BDCommunity is one of them.

Be original

Originality is very important. I started on hive like a ghost. I don’t post about myself. I post only about tech, open-source projects, and others then. For months, many people do not know who tykee is. Then I realized it was not helping. Your life alone can be your content and you don’t want to hide it. Fake nothing because you may not be able to manage it. Be original always.


Just to add on finding the community part. Engagement to the community also matters, some people especially newbies that don't have any idea that they need to respond and roam around commenting are the ones who get disappointed that their blogs aren't well rewarded.

A proper engagement level is needed for them to be noticed, a good write-ups is helpful but very rare that curators choose well-written content if the content creator doesn't give much value to others. It is a give and take system and I believe that the way they can last long is by having a real conversation with everyone.

For all of your points there I greatly agree here's some digital !PIZZA

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes, you are right and that is why I mentioned engagement on the "Low expectation". There is no other way.
Thanks for sharing your thought!


You are right about this, inviting people to hive can be a lot easier but the answers if they would stay or leave depends on their effort and engagement in the blockchain.


I need to do more with engagements and making friends
