

One of the best feelings in the world is knowing that someone is happy because of you.

I write this letter to my dear son, having understand his mistake and who he's now. Just know my boy, I still love you.

Dear Billy,

I'm so sorry I have been distant from you, for a while now. But I know Aunt May is treating you nicely, even though you're growing stronger everyday. I don't know what your mother has told you about me, but sooner or later you'll hear the bad news about me and what I did. So my boy, I'm going to tell you why Daddy did it.

The news on the TV says I killed those men and drained them of their blood. It says that I tortured them, chained them in our old cabin in the woods, leaving the bodies with bites and scars. They said I'm a monster, a predator, and a blood sucker. They have called me names you've never heard as a child.

You're going to see my name brought up on the Internet, social media, magazines and newspapers. Images of those I have killed will be displayed for the world to see. You are going to see bodies stripped off flesh and many shall condemn me to rot in Hell, even Father Davis. And for this, you will be feared, because you're linked to me.

Your first turning was in the woods and then you started craving for blood. But no matter how bad it seems now, this is not your define moment, you still have a whole life ahead of you. This killing doesn't define who you are, my son. I won't be coming home again, am saying you won't see me again. But after years have stretch, all this memories or stories would be like none of this ever happened.

I made my confession to the Police, but never told them you were the one that did all those killings in the old cabin. My boy I know you're trying to understand your true nature, but Billy you've to be careful. The world now is watching.
That's why I turned myself in as soon as I found those bodies laying dead. I don't care how many you've killed, still your the only precious thing, I care for and I would protect you, even if it would cost my life.

My dear Billy you deserve everything this world could give. So my boy learn to control your urge, don't take anyone. And when I'm gone, learn to love and adapt to this world you're in now.
I hope they love you. Goodbye My Billy ❤

Daddy loves you.



This is a rather gruesome story. It sets the stage and tells us about the characters but doesn't really go anywhere. It's not certain this is the kind of fare that will please most readers. The rationale for the father allowing the son to continue with murder also is not clear.


No he's not supporting him.

So my boy learn to control your urge, don't take anyone. And when I'm gone, learn to love and adapt to this world you're in now.


I think the story could have used more fleshing out. An exploration of motives for the father. Maybe the for us readers to understand what is happening and have time to digest it.

I think you should build a bigger, longer story based on this. Because it seems the father could use more background to how he is so understanding of such an odd condition other than just being a father. Otherwise, much like what @theinkwell said, it seems like the father gave the son a pass to murder. I can how you tried to avoid that with the last paragraph but you need to remember that the son didn't pay for his crime.

I hope this isn't harsh, but I am really a fan or your writings. So this comes from a place of love and admiration.


Oh, i understand what you meant😊
Thank so much for your observation and support 😉✌🏻


Also, you might add that the graphic description of violence is off-putting to many readers.
