Abundance Tribe Biweekly Question - WHAT MAKES ME ENERGETIC.


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Often times the struggles and the situations surrounding.oir.lives makes us forget who we are or the things that brings value and give our lives true essence. Often times when life throws hurtful blows at us, we immediately think of the things that can get us up on our feet again and that's where our courage for life comes alive.

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For me I would love to write about a few things that make me feel good, excited and back on track. Firstly, I would love to say that I love listening to music. I don't just listen I sing along and before you can say "Jack Robinson" I am back on track and kicking. Song like Lauren Daigle's You say often spring hope back to me confirming that I am enough no matter what people say.

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I got to a point where people said a lot of unimaginable and fake things about me and what hurt the most at this period wasn't about all thy had said but the people who spread he fake information, this were people I would stand up so tall for, I could vouge for them but yet all I got back for doing good was hurt so all I did was to pen my emotional hurts in my diary. Yes, I'll love to state it here that most of my inspiration to write comes alive in such moment. I could write more than two peotry at a glance because my pains/hurt finally found it true expression. Most times I re-read the writings and will effect correction when necessary, I'll ensure that the date it was written Is written somewhere either at the top or bottom of the page for reference purpose.

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I cry often times and just after that, my heart gets so relieved and I could get up, clean my eyes, look myself up in the mirror and smile at the lady in there and would whisper to her that she is far above rubies. Crying doesn't show your weakness, it shows your strength and of course it is not a crime to cry..Tears is 1% of water and 99% of how we feel so let go of that hurt and let our tears flow.

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This on it own is a form of exercise, so often times when I feel do down and angry, I'll dance until I sweat and that way I've eased myself of whatever stress I was going through.

What we do when we feel bad or down must be centered around our hobbies and most times we really don't need to get into a fight, we just need to or blame people for how they made us feel we just need to refresh ourselves with healthy thought and become your own motivation. Look yourself in the Mirror and begin to admire the beautiful work of the creator, love yourself and believe that you're worth more a thousand times than what other people say or think. Push away what toher people say, their judgement about you doesn't count so just keep moving and keep being you.

I know that we're all different and unique in every sense and so what makes me feel alive and energetic is all that I have written but I trust to read from you and I hope you found my post worth the time and helpful.
Thanks for reading through. I remain your friend @udygold.


Thanks 😊!


Yes girl,singing is life...and crying is just another way of not bottling it all in but letting it all out...what matters is how you feel and what you do after.

Will sure check this out.


Alright 👍
Glad to see you here dear friend and waiting to read from you.
