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Aproveitando que o Share Your Battle é de uma criatura que eu acho muito fofa e peculiar (sim, podem me julgar) eu resolvi criar esta história para narrar uma batalha de Splinterlands utilizando essa criatura, então espero que gostem!


Taking advantage of the fact that Share Your Battle is from a creature that I find very cute and quirky (yes, you can judge me) I decided to create this story to narrate a battle of Splinterlands using this creature, so I hope you like it!

O campo de batalha era um vasto oceano que se estendia até onde a vista podia alcançar. De um lado o velho mago com seu poder amplificador de magia, do outro a veloz anã que trazia segurança para suas invocações.

As criaturas marítimas que estavam envolvidas no combate possuíam formas completamente diferentes, umas mais bonitas como a pequena Ice Pixie enquanto outras possuem aparência totalmente grotesca, como é o caso do Diemonshark e seus inúmeros olhos ou o Kulu Swimhunter com sua forma humanoide e o rosto de polvo com inúmeros tentáculos.

E no meio termo estava o pequeno Cruel Sethropod que apesar de possuir uma boca levemente estranha com os dentes envolvendo-a em um formado circular, seu corpo de lagosta com uma cor vermelha vibrante e os pequenos olhos lhe faziam parecer de certa forma "fofo".

The battlefield was a vast ocean that stretched as far as the eye could see. On one side the old wizard with his magic amplifying power, on the other the swift dwarf who brought security to his invocations.

The sea creatures that were involved in the combat had completely different shapes, some prettier like the small Ice Pixie while others look totally grotesque, as is the case with Diemonshark and its countless eyes or Kulu Swimhunter with its humanoid form and the octopus face with numerous tentacles.

And in the middle was the little Cruel Sethropod that despite having a slightly weird mouth with teeth surrounding it in a circular shape, his lobster body with a vibrant red color and small eyes made him look somewhat "cute".

Source: Splinterlands

Sem cerimônias o confronto começou com o Djinn Oshannus utilizando sua magia para controlar as ondas e desferir um intenso golpe contra o Turabão de múltiplos olhos.

Enfurecido ele começou a nadar contra os inimigos e escolheu como alvo a pequena lagosta que era o alvo mais próximo e parecia ser extremamente frágil, mas ao cravar seus dentes contra ele percebeu que sua casca era mais dura do que ele poderia imaginar.

Vendo que a armadura o Sethropod era resistente as duas magas do oponente resolveram lançar suas magias contra ele, mas ambas não foram o suficiente para derrubá-lo.

The confrontation unceremoniously began with Djinn Oshannus using his magic to control the waves and deliver an intense blow against the Multi-eyed Turaban.

Enraged he started swimming against the enemies and chose as his target the small lobster which was the closest target and seemed to be extremely fragile, but when he sank his teeth into it he realized that its shell was harder than he could imagine.

Seeing that the Sethropod's armor was resistant, the opponent's two mages decided to cast their spells against him, but both were not enough to take him down.

Source: Splinterlands

Logo em seguida o Sethropod foi bombardeado com os ataques a distância das outras duas unidades que compunham o time inimigo, mas sua grossa casca aguentou ao máximo para deixá-lo vivo mas se rachou durante os golpes. Agora ele estava indefeso e levemente ferido, mas chegou a vez do seu time atacar.

Soon after, the Sethropod was bombarded with the ranged attacks of the other two units that made up the enemy team, but its thick shell held up to the maximum to keep it alive but it cracked during the blows. Now he was defenseless and slightly injured, but it was his team's turn to attack.

Source: Splinterlands

Seus companheiros reuníram seus poderes e começaram a disparar suas magias contra os inimigos. A primeira a ser eliminada foi a Ice Pixie, seguida pelo Diemonshark que já se encontrava bastante ferido. O Sethropod ainda tentou abocanhar o Angelic Mandarim, mas a armadura dada pela invocadora Kelya o protegeu dessa mordida.

Entretanto isso não fez muita diferença, pois mesmo recebendo mais um ataque mágico a cruel lagosta ainda conseguiu resistir, e enfim seus companheiros terminaram de eliminar todos os inimigos remanescentes (novamente com uma leve ajuda dele que atacou o Kulu e quebrou sua armadura, apesar de ter sido inútil ele ao menos tentou ajudar).

His companions gathered their powers and began to fire their spells at enemies. The first to be eliminated was Ice Pixie, followed by Diemonshark who was already quite injured. The Sethropod even tried to grab the Angelic Mandarin, but the armor given by the summoner Kelya protected him from this bite.

However, that didn't make much difference, because even receiving one more magical attack the cruel lobster still managed to resist, and finally his companions finished eliminating all the remaining enemies (again with a light help from him who attacked the Kulu and broke his armor, despite of being useless he at least tried to help).

Source: Splinterlands

O gênio dos mares pôs fim ao confronto, fazendo as águas do campo de batalha se acalmarem enquanto a anã Kelya fugia de vergonha por ter sido derrotada. Dentre todas as invocações do ancião Alric Stormbringer a única que se feriu foi o Sethropod, e isso mostra que ele foi a verdadeira estrela do combate, pois sozinho conseguiu resistir a seis ataques dos inimigos sem ser abatido.

As invocações foram se descanecendo e a pequena lagosta estava simplesmente parada esperando sua hora de partir. Seus pequenos olhos pretos faziam parecer que nada se passava em sua cabeça, porém...

Nunca irrite esta "fofa" lagosta, pois ela poderá se tornar cruel.

The Djinn of the seas ended the confrontation, causing the waters of the battlefield to calm as the dwarf Kelya fled in shame at having been defeated. Among all the summons of the elder Alric Stormbringer the only one that was injured was Sethropod, and that shows that he was the true star of combat, as he alone managed to withstand six attacks from the enemies without being shot down.

The invocations were fading and the little lobster was simply standing still waiting for its time to leave. Her small black eyes made it seem like nothing was going on in her head, but...

Never piss off this "cute" lobster, as it can turn cruel.

Source: https://tenor.com/view/bh187-spongebob-rage-mad-angry-gif-21500369

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Thanks for sharing! - Underlock#8573

Great battle story!
