August 13, 2011. [Esp-Eng]



A ver, ¿Por dónde empezar?, son tantas cosas que pasaron en tan poco tiempo, es imposible comprimir, haré el ejercicio de hacer un resumen.

Me preparé mucho para ese período. Tener un enfoque y no sucumbir ante las tentaciones es un nivel de compromiso que pocos logran alcanzar, y no me baso en estadísticas para hacer esta afirmación, son mis propias conclusiones luego de analizar los impulsos y acciones de mi entorno conglomerado, lo cierto es que, de tantos años transitando un camino con intervalos y obstáculos, o espejismos de mi ansiedad, mi cuerpo empezó a responder a un estilo de vida en el que lograría la apariencia de una figura promedio del entretenimiento para cine y televisión, la imagen generalmente aceptada.

Y tengo que aceptar que es muy reconfortante hacer una prueba de vestuario y que todas las piezas deslicen por tu cuerpo con suavidad y armonía, que te mires al espejo y reconozcas el talento de la alta costura como si fueses bañado en oro puro. No es la televisión, no es un videoclip, no es una campaña de publicidad millonaria, no es la portada de Vogue, soy yo, en primer plano, el centro de atención, con un equipo de profesionales creativos trabajando para mi primer proyecto musical, con el respaldo de una gran compañía discográfica que además tienen grandes expectativas con este lanzamiento.

Oh, creo que, en mis primeras palabras, dejé claro que intentaría hacer un resumen de ese día tan especial, ¿Cierto?, pues, lo siento, pierdo el hilo conductor de vida con frecuencia.

Ese día fue el 13 de agosto de 2011, yo, que por años fui un completo desorden y aliado número uno de la improvisación, había consagrado el hábito de hacer una agenda, pequeñas tareas y metas diarias que al cumplirlas irían edificando ladrillo a ladrillo un gran objetivo, caminar todos los días, tomar ocho vasos de agua, comer seis veces alimentos ligeros, descansar adecuadamente, meditar y aprender cosas nuevas, en general, cultivar el bienestar de la salud integral.

Siempre pasan cosas, como se dice en radio y televisión; cosas del directo, cosas que no estaban contempladas ni en el plan B, cosas que lanzan contra la pared la caja de cristal de los cuatro tramos de la administración. Lluvia intensa en las primeras horas del día, nervios, adrenalina, exceso de sudor, retoque de maquillaje, el chófer contratado no atiende el teléfono, cambio de último minuto del lugar del encuentro y, lo que no podía faltar, el colapso de la ciudad, “Mi nombre artístico era Louis y estaba luchando contra el tráfico”.


El país pasaba por un buen momento en la economía y con esa alza en los indicadores los empresarios del entretenimiento se vieron obligados a buscar talento hasta debajo de las piedras para potenciar la industria musical y posicionarla en la cima del centro del mapa mundial, buscaron en las noches capitalinas, fueron varios paseos incógnitos por los bares de música en vivo. Debían encontrar rebeldes, intelectuales, bohemios e histriónicos, con la chispa adecuada para enloquecer a la masa, como roedores al escuchar la flauta de Hamelin.

Como buen seguidor de los avances tecnológicos, por esa época ya me inquietaba la idea de hacer monólogos, conceptos artísticos experimentales, y subirlos a YouTube, esa plataforma me tenía hipnotizado, pasaba muchas horas como espectador y sentía la necesidad de tener presencia, hacer mi debut como creador de contenidos y así lo hice, una vez alcanzada esa meta me invadieron las dudas del alcance y la recepción de mi particular estilo de ver la vida, por lo que oculté mi material del buscador general y solo se podía acceder a través de enlaces específicos.

Pasa el bus de la oportunidad y tú estás preparado para subir, el éxito es inminente. Una noche cualquiera tenía show en el “Bar de mala muerte”, así se llama, tenía un presentimiento indefinido, pero recurrente, no había mucha gente, canté un set de 10 canciones en mix que llamo “Medley de la Cultura Pop”, la gente siempre conecta al reconocer éxitos de Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, Village People, Pet Shop Boys y más, al bajar del estrecho escenario recibí una copa con una tarjeta que decía “Antonio Alfonso Alcázar de Ídolos Records” más el número de contacto, de primer momento pensé que se trataba de un novel emprendedor con talento para el marketing o un acaudalado caprichoso con la intención de llevarme una fiesta privada.

Pues, sin más preámbulo, el hombre en cuestión resultó ser un asesor y hacedor de estrellas internacionales, un habilidoso estratega respetado por el gremio, le apodan “EL Lobo”. Conversamos un par de minutos y le di la llave de mi canal de YouTube, es decir, la dirección de los enlaces a mi contenido oculto, a partir de ahí, todo es una cadena de eventos fortuitos y la razón de porque el 13 de agosto de 2011 es un día inolvidable, iba en camino un evento de audiciones privadas, y estaba por vivir la gran experiencia de mi vida hasta la fecha.


Ulises De La Ilíada.

Image by Pixabay.


Let's see, where to start, there are so many things that happened in such a short time, it is impossible to compress, I will do the exercise of making a summary.

I prepared a lot for that period. Having a focus and not succumbing to temptations is a level of commitment that few manage to achieve, and I do not rely on statistics to make this statement, they are my own conclusions after analyzing the impulses and actions of my conglomerate environment, the truth is that, from so many years walking a path with intervals and obstacles, or mirages of my anxiety, my body began to respond to a lifestyle in which I would achieve the appearance of an average figure of entertainment for film and television, the generally accepted image.

And I have to agree that it is very comforting to do a wardrobe fitting and have all the pieces glide across your body smoothly and harmoniously, to look in the mirror and recognize the couture talent as if you were bathed in pure gold. It's not television, it's not a music video, it's not a million dollar advertising campaign, it's not the cover of Vogue, it's me, in the foreground, the center of attention, with a team of creative professionals working for my first musical project, with the backing of a major record company who also have great expectations with this release.

Oh, I think, in my first words, I made it clear that I would try to summarize that special day, didn't I, because, sorry, I lose the thread of life so often.

That day was August 13, 2011, I, who for years was a complete mess and number one ally of improvisation, had consecrated the habit of making an agenda, small tasks and daily goals that by fulfilling them would be building brick by brick a great goal, walk every day, drink eight glasses of water, eat six times light food, rest properly, meditate and learn new things, in general, cultivate the welfare of integral health.

Things always happen, as they say on radio and television; live things, things that were not even contemplated in plan B, things that throw the glass box of the four-legged administration against the wall. Heavy rain in the early hours of the day, nerves, adrenaline, excessive sweating, make-up touch-up, the hired driver not answering the phone, last minute change of venue and, what could not be missed, the collapse of the city, "My stage name was Louis and I was fighting traffic".


The country was going through a good time in the economy and with that rise in the indicators, entertainment entrepreneurs were forced to look for talent even under the rocks to boost the music industry and position it at the top of the center of the world map, they searched in the capital nights, there were several incognito walks through the live music bars. They had to find rebels, intellectuals, bohemians and histrionics, with the right spark to drive the masses crazy, like rodents listening to Hamelin's flute.

As a good follower of technological advances, by that time I was already worried about the idea of making monologues, experimental artistic concepts, and uploading them to YouTube, that platform had me hypnotized, I spent many hours as a spectator and felt the need to have presence, make my debut as a content creator and so I did, once I reached that goal I was invaded by doubts about the scope and reception of my particular style of seeing life, so I hid my material from the general search engine and could only be accessed through specific links.

The bus of opportunity passes by and you are ready to get on, success is imminent. One random night I had a show at the "Bar de mala muerte", that's what it's called, I had an undefined, but recurring feeling, there weren't many people, I sang a 10 song set in a mix I call "Pop Culture Medley", people always connect by recognizing hits by Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, Village People, Pet Shop Boys and more, When I got off the narrow stage I received a cup with a card that said "Antonio Alfonso Alcazar from Idolos Records" plus the contact number, at first I thought it was a new entrepreneur with a talent for marketing or a wealthy whimsical with the intention of taking me to a private party.

Well, without further ado, the man in question turned out to be a consultant and international star maker, a skilled strategist respected by the trade, he is nicknamed "El Lobo". We chatted for a couple of minutes and I gave him the key to my YouTube channel, that is, the address of the links to my hidden content, from then on, everything is a chain of fortuitous events and the reason why August 13, 2011 is an unforgettable day, a private audition event was on its way, and I was about to live the great experience of my life to date.

To be continued...

Ulises De La Ilíada.

Image by Pixabay.

Translated with
Source of cover image.


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They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. ..... if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.


Amigo que gusto leerte de nuevo, quiero saber que pasa con Louis ese 13 de agosto, no me hagas esperar demasiado jajaja
