The Great Coffee War


The big day was approaching, the annual congress of seeds and grains, everyone was full of expectations, because, awards would be given to the most important foods of the season, awarded by the academy of integral health, to award an applicant, the members made a pro rata between the demand for the product and its contributions to the healthy development of the human body.

Each mother seed would attend in representation of its gender, dressed in its best suit for the gala. The bookmakers collapsed, the main betting pools gave the coffee seed and the rice bean as the big winners of the edition.

The great dream of each representative seed was to make it into the top 10, since that meant investment, large production and worldwide distribution.

The ceremony began with the conduction of the tares with her characteristic black and toxic humor, but very viral, she dared to say during the live transmission that she saw the lentil very giggly, wishing to be the protagonist of the night, but with so much flatulence that generates in the body, she should feel ashamed to only make an appearance at such an important gala, many attendees believed that it was an excessive comment.

As expected, the big winner of the night was the coffee seed, achieving to be at the top of the ranking and winning, with great advantage over the other competitors, the prize of the public, very moved and with tears in her eyes, said: "Thank you for letting me calm your anxiety, and often be the painkiller that soothes your pain, I have no words to express my happiness".

The winning seed wanted to quickly go to the powder room to touch up her makeup for the official photo shoot and the celebration party afterwards, but found the lentil drowning in a sea of tears.

What's wrong honey?

I feel humiliated, I didn't deserve to receive those comments in public, I didn't even make it into the rankings, I don't know how to show my face to my family, why am I not valued as I deserve? I provide fiber to help the metabolism to maintain the body's energy, it's not fair.

The scene managed to move the fiber to the seed of Coffee, who promised to help the Lentil.

At the winners' big party, many were surprised to realize that the coffee disappeared without a trace... they didn't think much of it, but the worst came later.

There was no coffee anywhere, the world population was on the verge of nervous collapse, it seemed like a magic act, how could it disappear completely?

Refined sugar, in desperation, asked the world for prayers and vigil for the prompt appearance of its best friend, the coffee bean.

The crisis triggered a social outburst that went down in history as "The Great Coffee War".

Many wanted to roast and grind corn, to achieve peace in the storm, but the experiments were unsuccessful.

One day the authorities received a call for help, it was the lentil that had found the whereabouts of the Coffee, the rescue operation was successful, and everything returned to calm, many wanted to thank the lentil, in a good gesture of support, they organized to buy a kilo of it and include it little by little in their regular diet.

It turned out that it was all a pact of friendship with vows of silence, an idea of the Coffee seed to vindicate the situation of the lentil.

How to forget the horrible moments of "The Great Coffee War" thank the Gods, after the storm always comes the calm.

I particularly think that the lentil must understand that, although it is not the Madonna of grains and seeds, there is an audience for everyone.

This is my participation for Spill The Beans Contest.
I invite @callmeenjoy to participate.

Image by Pixabay

Translated with
Cover image by Unsplash


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You know what's great? To read a piece of writing and want to keep on reading because of how good it is and that happened to me with you!!!

I loved it as well as all the content you upload to the platform!!!

Blessings once again!

pd: I love the "lentejas" xD
