Mr. Radish's store


Hecho a mano (1).png
Photo by Maria Lupan on Unsplash

Mr. Radish's store

Of all the explanations I can understand, this is the one that seems to me the most assertive: perhaps brilliant minds only understand a riddled world, where logic is like a mad hatter wandering through the fields of a crazy world, this quality being the only one that can keep reason in complete sanity.

One day I was sad because I had lost my kitten. I lost sight of him one afternoon as he perched on top of the neighbor's wall, and when I looked up one last time, he was gone. I wasn't instantly worried, but I did feel a slight shock, for the neighborhood streets are like a wild and hostile jungle.

Days went by and my cat did not appear. "What could have happened to him, he's never done anything like this." I gasped while holding his old collar. I decided to pluck up my courage and go to Mr. Radish's store.

I shuddered in panic, not only for my kitty but for the sibylline old man. No one can stare into his eyes for more than three seconds without feeling uncomfortable, for there is a golden peculiarity that emanates from them. They say that when he laughs, the roars of his laughter bounce off the walls like rambunctious spirits. His height is impressive; he can't even fit through the door of his store. People rumor that he is a 'Nephilim' living among us normally.

Anyone who has heard Mr. Radish's voice knows not to shudder, for the slightest weakness in the face of his power will further feed his ego. Mr. Radish comes from a land no one has ever heard of. He has no family, no friends, and is a very mysterious man. Despite his unusual qualities, he is an interesting man; for he is learned in philosophy, theology, demonology, occult sciences, and a strange book that few people in the world know about called "Nexusquiridium".

With all these things I knew about him, I felt nervous about going to see him in his store, but I was very worried about my cat; that was my motivation. When I arrived at the store, I felt the sensation that they were already waiting for me; it was my first time going in. Mr. Radish's place was a spice store; there you could find all the flavors of this world.

People in the neighborhood rumored that the owner of the store traded with magical creatures to get their most expensive spices; of course, these are only rumors, although if they were to be confirmed someday, I wouldn't be so surprised. I inhaled so hard already being inside, that I let all the smells enter my system; I imagined I was in the middle of a colorful garden full of different kinds of flowers.

I caught a glimpse of my friend Hector behind the counter; I hadn't seen him in a long time. He studied with me in school, and after finishing it, he came to work at Mr. Radish's store. He was just as I remembered him; long hair, olive eyes, twisted but friendly smile, and the same excellent thinness. I walked up to the counter to talk to him.

"Good morning, Finn," he said. "Looking for something for your taste or your knowledge?"

"For my knowledge."

"Then go upstairs, Mr. Radish will be right with you."

I nodded and continued on my way. In Mr. Radish's store, it was a rule to limit me with words, so I was cautious not to overtalk Hector. At the top of the stairs was a white wooden door, I held the handle and took a deep breath.

Before I was in a huge room with only an oval window. Bookcases on either side caught my eye, and desks with paperwork filled with drawings. In front of me, beyond, in the back, was Mr. Radish sitting and staring at me. His figure was illuminated by the only shimmer of light that entered the room. I began to tremble. My eyes opened to the limit. I swallowed a large mouthful of saliva as I caught a glimpse of Mr. Radish's golden eyes.

"Come closer, Finn," he bellowed, his voice like a rumble that stopped my heart for a second.

I took a few steps forward and took a closer look at Mr. Radish's appearance, the rumors seemed to be true, though they exaggerated some things like his height.

"Tell me, what do you want?" He asked me.

"Mr. Radish, I want to know, where is my kitty?"

He dropped his upper eyelids and smiled, his eyes were like two small bright suns almost absorbed by the gloom.

"It's not where otherwise with whom. Felines are very independent, but they can get confused quickly."

"Get confused?" I inquired.

"Pursuing your desires without following logic and reason can lead to turbulent paths."

"What do you mean? You haven't answered my question!" I retorted anxiously.

"Oh, no?" His eyes became two huge circular mirrors. "You didn't ask the right question, Finn."

I sighed. I felt my hands damp with sweat.

"Okay, who's my kitty with?"

He settled back in his chair, held his right hand out to the side, and smiled. "He's here with me."

A small, gray, furry figure jumped out from the shadows of a corner and settled into Mr. Radish's lap.

"Chester!" I exclaimed, it was my cat.

"Cats are attracted to strange things, and you have to be careful, as there are a lot of them in this neighborhood," I said, as I stroked Chester's chin.

"And what do you suggest?" I asked doubtfully.

"Here in my store, I have torvisco, oregano, and myrtle, you are going to buy a hundred grams of each and when you get home you will mix them very well. Every morning, when you prepare your pet's food, you will add a little of the mixture on top of the food, and you will continue to do so until it is all gone. You'll find that, with that, he won't run away again."

I nodded and took a moment of silence.

"Go ahead, Chester, go back to your owner." Said Mr. Radish. My cat obeyed by abandoning his legs and began to slip between mine. I immediately took him in my arms.

"Thank you for coming, goodbye, Chester."

After saying goodbye, I went down to the store and bought what Mr. Radish recommended. I looked Hector in the eyes, I wanted to say something to him, but strangely I held back.

"Thank you for your purchase, Finn, may your knowledge have been elevated." He said with a smile at the end.

The next day, I started doing what Mr. Radish told me to do. My cat was starting to feel calm and a little more attached to me. As the days went by, it was more at home than out on the street. Chester didn't run away again and that reassured me. However, something kept disturbing my thoughts, I kept thinking about these streets, these walls that hold strange things and, of course, I kept thinking about Mr. Radish's particular store.


Other publications of my authorship

This Picture
[ENG-ESP] Netflix series that I liked, but were cancelled


You pushed to use the dictionary to search for the meaning of "nephilim" and I'm glad that I did 😍.

At first I was thinking Mr. Radish kidnapped Chester but it's all fine so long you got him back
Nice story there🙌


Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it. It's a pleasure to write to stimulate the mind.


Hello, greetings, your literature is very unique and in the way it describes this store and its characters.



Thankful. I try to be as descriptive as possible in my style.


Exquisitely conjured, this story is so magical that it has wings of its own. Yes, cats are confounding and only magic has a measure of understanding them. You offer the perfect story, everything in exactly the right place to elicit curiosity and confusion. Afterall, there’s simply no way to understand a cat without magic. Totally brilliantly done. You’ve outdone yourself!


Grateful to you and the team. I have always been attracted by the mystery that cats carry, I think my way of expressing it was ideal and I wanted to transmit it with magic. Thank you very much for your excellent opinion, it is always a motivation to receive it.


Agradable leerte nuevamente.
Un personaje misteriosamente mistico y un gato.
En verdad tu historia tiene ese toque de misterio y encantó por saber más y más. Muy buena la narrativa, me atrapaste hasta el final.
Gracias por compartir tus letras.
Excelente tarde.


Agradecido contigo por tan afable comentario. Me gusta la combinación de la magia con los gatos, creo que es uno de mis ejercicios favoritos. Es un placer que mi historia te guste.
Te deseo un excelente día.


Stunning! I felt the vibration of magic beneath the floorboards from the moment we walked in, enchanted by exotic smells. I enjoyed the analogies you used to describe the various sensations this unique experience gave our narrator! Who knew, all Chester needed was a more aromatic dinner— what a perfect expression of the bizarre whims of cats !LOLZ

At one point, as our unusual Mr.Radish explained Chester's deal, I swear he was going to morph into the cat or something. What tension! Loved every word 😁


I'm glad my story gave you that feeling. My goal was to make you feel the magic of the place. Cats are mysterious creatures, it is inevitable to think that they are linked to the supernatural, I wanted to highlight that aspect in my story.

That Mr. Radish had turned into a cat would have been quite interesting.
Thanks for reading and for your opinion. I really appreciate it.


This is so exquisitely conceived and executed that it defies words. Mesmerising detail, gorgeous atmospheric magic, stunning kitty 🐈‍⬛ craft. Amazing work!


Thank you very much for your comment. It is motivating and makes me happy. I am a lover of cats and their mysteries. Taking this for inspiration made me feel very good.
Sending you my best vibes and a happy start to the weekend!


I loved reading this story, the story description from your perspective to the store and Mr Raddish aura, excellent storyline.


Thank you for reading me. Thank you for reading me. Have a great rest of the day.
