Chill: Speed without direction kills


Have you seen a car or train or airplane or any means of transportation moving without direction?
Of course, you can tell the end.
There will be a crash, a fatal one.

Let's relate it to real-life circumstances.
It's far better to move at a slow pace and get in the right direction than to move at a high speed without direction.

This is a mantra that has helped me survive healthily for two years now and counting. I wrote an article the other day on hive learners on how peer pressure nearly made me lose my sanity while trying to fix myself and fit into their extravagant life society.


The thing is I needed money badly, my mates were living large and couldn't be less. I hopped into every train that advertised how to be financially free but I didn't even know where I would land.

I was ignorant, I never knew if I could navigate in the right direction I would be financially free. This story simply explains how I was at a high speed with no direction at all, I crashed on the way ooh and after the crash, I regained my sanity towards money.

Having direction is essential. Knowing what you want, drawing a blueprint of how to get what you want, and implementing them rightly is the key.

Speed kills
Speed without direction is fatal.
