A letter to my girlfriend on Valentine's Day.


The etymology of valentine's day.

The history of valentine's day can be traced back to a festival called Lupercalia, observed by the ancient Romans. It was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus. Faunus is the Roman god for agriculture, and to Romulus and remus, the legendary founders of Rome. It was celebrated on the 15th of every month.

Later, the Christian church decided to replace Lupercalia with a Christian holiday dedicated to St. Valentine. There are many martyrs by that name, however the one refered to here was imprisoned because he was performing weddings of soldiers who were forbidden to marry. He was also ministering to some group of Christians persecuted under the Roman empire. Interestingly, before his execution on 14th February, he healed the jailer's daughter and left a note signed by "Your Valentine".

Over the years, valentine's day evolved to be a celebration of love amongst romantic lovers and it's date shifted to 14th February in agreement with the date St. Valentine was executed.


A letter to my girlfriend on Valentine's Day.

#Mygrace, as I sit to write to you on this occasion of our first valentine together as a couple, my heart overflows with love and am thankful to the universe who let our paths cross.

It's important I let you know that am a happier person since I met you. Your presence in my life disperses all forms of darkness and fills me with this energy that makes me feel I can face the rest of the world. Every moment with you is most cherished and are ever memorable.

Today is Valentine's day, and I want to cease the opportunity to appreciate you and tell you what you mean to me. You are beautiful, kind and very intelligent. Your unwavering support through thick and thin have helped me through the highs and lows of life, and by every passing day, I get to know you better and fall deeper in love with you.


Each time I reflected on "this beautiful thing we share," I am overwhelmed with joy. Moreso, when I look into the future, I am confident that a future with you is very bright and promising with endless possibilities, a lifetime of love crowned with infinite adventures. I am sure that holding each other's hand will have a synergistic effect.

In you, I found love, peace and solace more than ever. Your touch is southing, your voice calms me even as your affection makes my heart jump for joy. Certainly, you are that half I have been missing and now, I fell complete and blessed. You are my soulmate and I am grateful to my Creator for bringing you my way.

On a day like this, utterly dedicated for love, I wish to reaffirm my love and commitment to you and our relationship. My love for you is limitless and undiluted, and I promise to cherish, adore and honor you, all the days of my life.

To us, and the beautiful journey of love we have embarked upon together. May our love grow from strength to strength by every passing day, filing our hearts with laughter, happiness and beautiful memories.

As you go to sleep tonight, just know that; am glad we belong to each other and am so glad to call you mine.

Goodnight beautiful!
I love you.
Yours valentine; @uzoma24.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Thank you for recounting history with us. More importantly, thank you for letting us see into your heart. I am sure Grace absolutely agrees with you if not more…


Thank you my friend for visiting and reading through my blog. Am grateful.


This is really beautiful. Thank you for the history lesson on how Valentine came about and its essence and also this walk through your heartfelt emotions towards your partner. It takes a lot, I won't lie. I'm sure she's just as delighted to have you.🌺


Thank you my friend for visiting and reading through my blog. Am grateful.


This is a powerful letter to someone special to you. May the season helps solidifies the bond of love between you two. Amazing


I am definitely sure she will be filled with butterflies after reading this.
