Using Filter A Lot Cause More Damage



Taking pictures is really a good thing most people love to do especially when it come to taking memories and keeping them for future purpose, I have friends that I do wish to become one day when it come to taking pictures, they make sure they capture every moments and I do wonder if I'm a human at all because I'm non-photogenic or should I say camera shy. Yes I do run away anytime they want to take pictures and most times if I don't want to give excuses, I will volunteer to be the camera man (the one taking the pictures). I only take pictures once in a blue moon or if my friends really drag me into it because at that moment i don't have a choice, checking out this pictures without any editing or filters added to it always give this kind of joy because you will know how beautiful/handsome you are or the other way round but since the day Filter got introduced to pictures, everything changed, we rarely know who is who again.

I have nothing against filter though, it is really a good thing using filters but using it all the time is not really good, any small thing, you already add filter to the pictures, we cant really differentiate the real face from the filter one especially if you haven't meet the person before, you tend to believe the person is beautiful based on how the filter fine-tune the image sent to you, this filters have really advance to the extend that you can literal change everything with it, even turn rough skin to smooth, old to young and so on, it is like an abuse to be honest but there is nothing we can do about it since everyone now make us of it. On my end here, I rather see before believing, I don't mind been a doubting Thomas because most things I saw online is really alarmy from the online look to the reality.

I once fell for a lady online to be honest, or should I say had a crush on her, I had this friend on snapchat that posted this lady because she was her best friend, she posted her snapchat handle and since she look beautiful, i decided to add her with the hope of having the courage to text her one day and at least get to know her, luckily for me, she accept the request and I get to see her daily stories because she do post herself especially her daily activities in school and all, i message her once but she didn't reply so i just keep checking her story instead. I actually notice even though she look beautiful on her snaps, she always use filter for everything, I wasn't really bothered though because I though she is beautiful in real life, so I decided to visit this my friend one day in her hostel, fortunately for me, after staying there for an hour, this girl I was crushing on happened to show up in this friend house, apparently she stay around that area too, Chai it was "What I ordered vs What i get" kind of situation, I had to recheck the snaps and compare with the reality version so it won't be like i was day dreaming, I didn't say anything to her though or allow her noticed I do check her snaps, I was just in a corner laughing within me and the crush feeling I had disappeared one time. It would have been a difference case if I have seen her real face before and would have know the real her.

Filters is a good thing to use but it shouldn't be all the time, it is just a way to panel beat you original look (If i can put it that way), we should know the real you and know who we are dealing with. Take part in the prompt by check the full details here


Chai it was "What I ordered vs What i get" kind of situation,

so you fell out of love ?😂


One time, no time to check time o

Thanks for d doot


Hehehe I can only imagine how you felt when you see her look all different in reality.🤣🤣🤣

Baba said what I order Vs what I got.🤣🤣🤣

Fliter is good to some extent, but it should be use moderately, we don't need to show who we'll not online to attract others, it'll only lead to heartbreak when the person finds out and begin to draw a line when the truth is clear.


most of them is what i ordered vs what i get, they always look different in real life lolz, fear catch me
