Beautiful Asian Music - Zen Meditation Music - Japanese Music/Inner Peace/Stress Relief.


Beautiful Asian Music - Zen Meditation Music - Japanese Music/Inner Peace/Stress Relief.

Asian Zen: Oriental Music For Meditation, Relaxation, Massage and Tai Chi. Very calming music, exactly what you looking for. Graceful, soothing music. Perfect for a stressul day, good for relaxation or sleep.

These tracks can be used in any situation: as a background while you are working, in relaxation moments after a stressful day or just when you want. Sleep is very important to a person's health. These compositions are designed to accompany you for the duration of your sleep or just to fall asleep.

A little important note - This music is perfect for combating anxiety, stress or insomnia, as it facilitates relaxation and helps us eliminate bad vibrations. I can also use this music as a backdrop for guided meditation or sleep relaxation classes.

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