[Eng/Esp]Coffee plants//Plantas de cafe

Authored by @Veronicabracho


Hello, thank God for allowing me to share with you, dear members of this beautiful community of gems, today I am going to tell you about my coffee plants.

Hola gracias a Dios por permitirme compartir apreciados grupo de esta hermosa comunidad de gems,hoy les voy hablar de mi plantas de cafe.


A year and three months ago I moved to a city near town, this in order to enjoy some fairs where there was an exhibition of animals, but my biggest surprise was that it was not only animals but also plants of all kinds but I liked most were the coffee, in the exposition I was told that they would grow after three months and with their fertilizer they would grow faster, but I am surprised that they applied their fertilizers, also their watering is daily, my husband waters them with abundant water every afternoon when the sun goes down, but even so they are blooming with their small size.

Hace un año y tres meses me traslade a una ciudad cercana a pueblo,esto con el fin de difrutar de unas ferias donde habia la exposicion de animales,peeo mi mayor sorpresas que no solo era de animales si no tambien de plantas de todos tipos pero me gusto mas fueron las de cafe,en la exposicion me comentaron que ellas crecerian des pues de los tres meses y con su abono mas rapido crecerian,pero me sorprende que se le aplico sus abonos,tambien su riego es a diario mi esposo las riega con abundante agua todas las tardes cuando se oculta el sol,pero asi y todo a hora es que estan floreando con su tamaño pequeño.


Here in this picture when I bought them.
Aqui en esta fotografia cuando las compre.

Here in this other picture when I transplanted it to the ground.

Aqui en esta otra fotografia cuando la transplante a la tierra.


This picture shows how they are in bloom at this moment to make the coffee load, I thank God that my coffee plants are already blooming.
Esta fotografia como estan en estos momentos ya floreando para realizar la carga de cafe,le doy gracias a Dios por que ya mis plantas de cafe estan floreando.


From this plant the coffee is extracted, after the flower it begins with its fruit, this fruit are small green seeds, then turn to red and yellow and then dry, it is collected and put to dry in the sun for several days, and then begin to roast it over low heat, it is removed and ground in a grinding machine, and then enjoy this delicious coffee that we all enjoy.

De esta planta se saca el cafe,ella despues de la flor empieza connsu fruto,ese fruto son pequeñas pepas de color verde,luego se tornan a rojo y amarillo para luego secarse, se recoge se pone a secar al sol por varios dias,para despues empezar a tostarlo a fuego lento,se retira y se muele en una maquina de molere,para despues difrutar de ese delicioso cafe que todos difrutamos.

The pictures were captured with my galaxy samsung a10s phone, I hope you like it, God bless you greatly.
Las fotografias las capture con mi telefono galaxy samsung a10s,espero que les guste,Dios los bendiga grandemente.
