[Eng/Esp]The Curcuma Plant//Planta de Curcuma


Greetings friends of this prestigious hive platform, thank God for the health and food that He gives us daily, today I am going to talk about the curcuma plant.

Saludos amigos de esta prestigiosa plataforma de hive,gracias a Dios por la salud y los alimentos que nos regala a diario,hoy les voy hablar de la planta de curcuma.


This plant that you see in the pot, was a curcuma root that a friend gave me about three months ago, she gave it to me because I told her that I was suffering from fatty liver and kidney stones, and then she recommended me to make a tea with this root, She explained to me how I was going to prepare it, that I should put a liter of water in a pot and then place the root and let it boil and then put it to cool and drink the curcuma water twice a day, I was going to do this for a month. She also explained to me that I could get the curcuma in the grocery stores, supermarkets or spice stores that sell it in powder form and with a teaspoon in a cup of boiling water I could drink my tea.

So I bought in a store where they sell spices about ten bags to prepare the tea all night for a month and then the root that my husband gave me decided to plant it to get a plant, this is because I also like plants and I want to have one of this plant because it is used for natural medicine.

This plant is already three months old since my husband planted it in the pot, he put the root on top of the manure, then he watered it every day with a little water and this kept the manure moist and a week ago it started to grow a stem with leaves and today this plant is growing beautifully and in a week it will be planted in the ground so that its roots are strengthened and the plant will grow healthy.

Esta planta que observan en la maceta,era una raiz de curcuma que me regalo una amiga hace aproximadamente tres meses,ella me la regalo por que le comente que estaba sufriendo del higado graso y tambien de calculo renal, y para ese entoces ella me la recomendo para que hiciera un te con esta raiz,me explico como lo iba a preparar que colocara en una olla un litro de agua y despues colocora la raiz y dejarla hervir para luego ponerla a enfria y tomar el agua de la curcuma dos veces al dia esto lo iba hacer por un mes,tambien me explico que la curcuma la podia conseguir en las bodegas, supermercado o tiendas de especies eso lo vende en polvo y con una cucharadita en una taza de agua hirviendo podia tomar mi te.

Entonces asi hice compre en una tienda donde venden especies unas diez bolsitas para preparar el te toda las noche por un mes y entonces la raiz que me regalaron mi esposo decidio sembrarla para obtener una planta,esto es por que tambien me gustan las plantas y quiero tener una de esta planta ya que sirve para medicina natural.

Esta planta ya hoy esta cumpliendo tres meses desde que mi esposo la planto en la maceta,el coloco la raiz encima del estiercol,luego la regaba todos los dias con un poquito de agua y esto mantenia el estiercol humedo y hace una semana le empezo a salir un tallo con hojas y ya en el dia de hoy esta planta esta creciendo hermosa y dentro de una semana sera plantada a la tierra para que sus raices se fortalezcan y la planta crezca sana.


The curcuma with its scientific name Turmeric, which belongs to the family of zingiberaceae, the same family of ginger, also called Indian sulfur, my friend recommended it to me because it is a plant that offers great help in gastronomy and medicinal properties are attributed against fat in the liver, You can consume it in meals and also in tea, as I said in the supermarkets you can get it in powdered form, it is similar to curry, you can add it to any type of food because it gives a delicious touch to the food you prepare.

Medical specialists say that turmeric contains fiber, protein, vitamins C, E and K, sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, among others.

I hope you like it, thanks for reading.

The pictures were captured with my samsun A10 S phone.

La curcuma con su nombre cientifico Turmeric, que pertenece a la familia de zingiberaceae, la misma familia del jengibre,tambien la llaman azufre de Indias,mi amiga me la recomendo por que es una planta que te ofrece una gran ayuda en la gastronómia y se le atribuyen propiedades medicinales contra grasa en el higado,calculo renal, cáncer,colesterol alto,artrosis,entre otras enfermedades,la puedes consumir en las comidas y tambien en te,como les comentaba en los supermecados las consiguen en polvo es parecido al curry, se lo puedes agregar a cualquier tipo de comida ya que le da un toque delicioso a la comida que prepares.

Los especialistas en la medicina afirman que la cúrcuma contiene fibra, proteínas, vitaminas C, E y K, sodio, potasio, calcio, cobre, hierro, magnesio, zinc,entre otros.

Espero que les guste gracias por leer.
Las fotografias las capture con mi telefono samsun A10 S.


I just know Turmeric as its name and reading this post, now I know that Turmeric is a scientific name of Curcuma. Thanks for sharing an information of it here.

We have been using turmeric here in our place when we cooked some dishes and even when we cooked rice, we put powdered turmeric on it. We also make it as our morning tea.


@lheeshan06 I'm glad you liked it. Curcuma gives color and flavor to food and is very good to consume because it has health benefits.


That's really true. It has many health benefits when consumed. I remember when I was on my teenage years, my grandma used it as her water when she experienced arthritis.


Hola! Sí, he sabido de las bondades de este vegetal. Por otra parte, para la próxima considera añadir fuentes de referencia del contenido. Es un indicador de curación para muchos.
