Dawn (Poetry)



Night passes,
In the peaceful corner of the house,
Ask all the heads in birds,
Where they are lost in their own

Stretched breath is also self-proclaimed,
Comes to the spontaneous delayed rhythm,
The day opens,
Beckle running in the noise of big city

In the chronicles of uprooted people,
On the bends, the colorful whips of adore,
Keep in search of colorful sensation,
A shadow is standing in the night alone,
the head is standing

Keeps saying words without,
You are mine, I live somewhere,
this affection is covered with you,
I should do something, in my works,
we both have a vibrations,
Let me say something, I am in my end

Mars and violence continue to rise,
You sleep, wake up, do deeds, are you
I am always in all you are my fire,
Look at my tribute this together,
Is saving and handing over it,
In day by day,
Continuous patches of crowd waves

You are not your own,
No matter how much we have a lot of smiles,
Rain welcomes,
You are one, mismatched,
Within a flower petals,
Will you knead in a thread?
