Great to see LEO where has come from and gone to with INLEO


Seeking new opportunities and seeing where others have gone.


Data has certainly been one of the keys to growth with Bitcoin, Blockchain, and crypto(-currency). Weather it be data of learning to get them going, or the data inside them that proves valueable as more is added, and/or changed over time. Bitcoin with another halving and Runes is an example of more data. While also adding in another way to add data to the Bitcoin Blockchain. Interesting to have such protocols in a way as they exploit the Blockchain to some degree. In relation to BRC20, ordinals, and Runes / Runestones, the latter is a more acceptable level of exploits.

Back to LEO.. Originally "LeoFinance" with a focus on finance this has been broadened to be open to most anything. INLEO is open to all kinds of content. With the additional of threads as short form content as well. As one of its major selling points and parts of its flagship. Exploring the aspect of a dex Inleo has changed paths as well. Recently finding a different way utilizing Thorchain tech with the Maya protocol introducing cross chain swaps to the HIVE token. $HIVE and $LEO tokens may both be swapped for other native coins such as Bitcoin. Being useful may in part depend on the fees and/or the value you find in such tool to get coins to your own wallets as opposed to an exchange. While also having to go through less exchanges and swap places. This has always been a little bit of a challenge with HIVE not as accepted and available in CEXs and DEXs like other top coins.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
