Vision of a Token Based on Math and Decentralization


Part of a long time vision now more possible with certain advances that have become present.


Each token and part thereof part of sum other part, and all part of the whole. When placed and available in certain relative amounts they may (all) grow through the virtual-ness.

In matter of swappability being properly paired at right levels can potentially position for further growth. These such levels of calculateable and can also find higher ground when greater than half are placed and valued higher by holders, wallets, users, and so on.

Various challenges along the way. While numerous times and places poised for great potential of this idea. Just haven't found the right time and place. Now may be just that however.

With Inleo and their bridge along with VSC and Bitcoin, such bridges and connections combines the low fees and speed of this blockchain with security and large presence of that of the Bitcoin blockchain. This could be ushering in greater value and utility as cross chain possibilities are becoming more into realities within reach of devs and users alike.

Invite you to join and get, and/or hold some virtualgrowth (VG) if you choose to. Open to any and all beings, wallets, ideas, energy swaps, and the like.

Little time more as things continue to fall into place. Be gone and quiet I may be. Let the Math and energy guide the way. For the source simply is, and is within reach of all, as all.

Twenty and thousand ration behold in the middle of the levels be hold.

Connecting through a latest deployed and open bridge allows for better flow or energy in the form of information better handled and respected.

Come one, come all, maybe not just yet, like in the past, sparse has been. May simply need to up the attraction.

Look forward to what may come in the next moon(the) or so.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
