Live in the Era of Content by Impian Nopitasari

Live in the Era of Content

by Impian Nopitasari

|Live in the Era of Content|
Tanda Baca Publisher|276 page|ISBN: 9786239397760|

Hi Booklovers...

Even though I rare write a review in this community, I still read a book about self-improvement as variant of fiction novel.

This is an essay book which written by Impian Nopitasari. This essay books is content about her restlessness which publish on online media named and before. So this book content of dozens title about everything going viral on social media. Of course this was not a one-sitting article that she accomplished. All article has done between year 2021 till 2023.

The most interesting article on this book is the article that is used as the title of this book. Live in the Era of Content. You know that social media is being huge day by day since the founder created them. How many users on each platform has its characteristics. According to Impian Nopitasari on her article, she is talking about how many users oversharing on social media. Which is we do not need to do that due there is care about us (the users who is overshared on social media).

Impian Nopitasari said by her article that we should to wise in using a social media like rather than complain about your life, we must be wise in using it. Like rather than make a complain on social media, we should make something positive, something fun, something full insight to our audience. As a simple as share about the blue sky with the beautiful place.

If you aware that every bad or dark content make our energy is less.

There is another article that interested me. It was the title Cheerfull Enough, Sad as Necessary, Complain Rightly. This article talking is relate to us and peoples around us. Nowadays we often met someone who is complain as always, who is sad for one thing over and over again. Impian Nopitasari that each emotion that we have get is important, but express each emotion overly is too much. Rather than expressed exaggerate, what if we start to accepted whatever we felt. I know it would be hard to do, but by the times, it will be okay.

In other that, this book is discuss about hot issue in my country like how teacher paid less whereas their responsible are huge to next generation. Then there is an article related to me. Impian Nopitasari talked in positive way. It was an article which is talked about the education bachelors who has different job from the title. When I read that part, I just smirked.

To be honest, I purchased this book by e-commerce due to know the author, Impian Nopitasari. I know her since several years, even almost a decade, on an online group which is gathered all writer in Indonesia. Ah, I have read her short story in children magazine named Bobo. Make an debut on BOBO by a children's short story is on my bucket list and I always look up to her.

Before I bought her book, I have read several essay from her on online media like Kumparan Plus and, so when this book finally published, I praise her with her ability to write an essay.

How about you, dude?
What book do you read nowadays?

Thanks in advance, to read my blog and hope you like my post!
See You...

All photos taken by Samsung Galaxy A22


Vivie Hardika

Hi, Halo, Annyeong! Welcome to my galaxy.

I have so much imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as a human and as a girl. So writing is very challenging. Since Junior High School, I have written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 12th published novels and all of them are romance.
Yeah, I proudly say that I am a passionate author, traveler wannabe, and blogger.
