A boy on a bicycle 🚴

Kada svaki dan postavljaš slike, nije lako uvek smisliti novu priču. Ali trudim se da bude zabavno i kreativno. Danas sam naslikala dečaka na biciklu vežbajući figure i baš sam srećna kako je ispalo. . .
Eto, da čamce malo ostavim na miru. 😅

When you post pictures every day, it's not easy to always come up with a new story. But I try to make it fun and creative. Today I painted a boy on a bike practicing figures and I'm really happy with how it turned out. . .
So, let's leave the boats alone for a while. 😅


Dečak je okrenut leđima. Ulazi u osenčenu ulicu i vozu vrlo živahno i brzo 🥰

The boy's back is turned. They enter a shaded street and drive very lively and fast


Počela sam od senke da bih odredila ivicu konture dečakovog tela. Kažu da se nikad u akvarelu ne koristi crna boja, ali eto, meni se dopalo da senku uradim crnom. Senke se uglavnom rade plavom, zelenom, ljubičastom. . .

I started from the shadow to define the edge of the outline of the boy's body. They say that you never use black in watercolor, but here, I liked to do the shadow with black. Shadows are mostly made with blue, green, purple. . .


Osnovni deo senke sam uradila, sad prelazima na dečaka. Koristiću uglavnom samo dve, tri boje. Štrafte na bluzi su kombinacija plave, braon i crne.

I have done the basic part of the shadow, now we move on to the boy. I will mostly only use two or three colors. The studs on the blouse are a combination of blue, brown and black.


A sada ruke. Nije lako odrediti boju kože, ali nije toliko strašno, važnije je dobro senčiti tonovima, oni će kompenzovati nedostatke boja

And now the hands. It is not easy to determine the color of the skin, but it is not so terrible, it is more important to shade well with tones, they will compensate for color deficiencies


Prelazimo na bicikl. On je malo zamršen, pa to treba pojednostaviti. Akvarel je idealan za rešavanje takvih problema. 😊✨

We switch to the bike. It is a little complicated, so it needs to be simplified. Watercolor is ideal for solving such problems. 😊✨



Senka bicikla je takodje uspešno završena. Boja senke je odgovarajuća svetlu oko ambijenta. Takvi detalji čine krunu crteža. 🥰
Eto, nisam ispričala neku interesantnu priču, ali sam svakako pokušala da vam na sto jasniji način dočaram proces što i jeste cilj.
Hvala vam na pažnji, želim vam lep dan. . .

The bike shadow is also successfully completed. The color of the shadow is appropriate to the ambient light. Such details form the crown of the drawing.
Well, I didn't tell an interesting story, but I certainly tried to convey the process as clearly as possible, which is the goal.
Thank you for your attention, I wish you a nice day. . .

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!q


This is really amazing...
I love this concept.
So beautiful


Thank you very much.
Yes, watercolor really offers wonderful possibilities, real painting poetry...
