Grad okupan kišom. ☔️🍁💦 A city bathed in rain. ☔️🍁💦


Često zbog nedostatka vremena ne posmatramo detalje koji mnogo više čine sadržaj našeg života nego rutinske obaveze. Nažalost živimo po automatizmu. Ali da li zaista nemamo vremena da uźivamo u “nevažnim” stvarima?
Vraćajući se sa posla, osetila sam da je vazduh mirisao lepše nego inače. Pala je kiša. Kao nekom magijom probudila je uspavano cveće. Pogled mi se razleteo na sve strane. Preskakajući barice, išla sam ka kući.
Nebo je bilo u nijansama plave, sive i srebrne. Kao naslikano vodenim bojama. Nisam propustila da uslikam atmosferu posle kiše.🌦💧💦☔️

Often, due to lack of time, we do not observe the details that make up the content of our lives much more than routine obligations. Unfortunately, we live by automatism. But do we really have no time to enjoy "unimportant" things?
Coming home from work, I felt that the air smelled better than usual. It rained. As if by some magic, she woke up the sleeping flowers. My gaze flew in all directions. Jumping over the ponds, I went home.
The sky was in shades of blue, gray and silver. As if painted with water colors. I didn't miss taking a picture of the atmosphere after the rain.🌦💧💦☔️



Cveće je bilo okupano i nahranjeno kratkotrajnom kišom. Dok sam ga fotografisala, sagnula sam se do njegove visine, da mu šapnem koliko je lepo. 🌸🌺

The flowers were bathed and nourished by short-term rain. While I was photographing him, I bent down to his height, to whisper to him how beautiful it was. 🌸🌺


Posmatrajući kapljice koje se slivaju niz kišobran vetar je jače dunuo i prekinuo naš “dijalog”. Možda hteo da nagovori kišobran da mi pozira? 🌪☂️

Observing the drops flowing down the umbrella, the wind blew harder and interrupted our "dialogue". Maybe he wanted to persuade the umbrella to pose for me? 🌪☂️



Znate one bajke kada princezama i prinčevima bacaju latice cveća pod noge? Super ali meni se jesenje lišće više dopada. 🍁🍁🍁

You know those fairy tales where flower petals are thrown at the feet of princesses and princes? Great, but I like autumn leaves more. 🍁🍁🍁


Dan je zapravo vrlo romantičan! Šteta što zaljubljeni parovi ne koriste ovaj lep kišni dan da se stisnu oboje pod jedan kišobran.❤️☂️
Umesto toga, klupe su stajale same, mojre od kiše i verovatno se nadalje da će neki zaljubljeni par sesti na njih.

The day is actually very romantic! It's a pity that couples in love don't use this beautiful rainy day to squeeze both under one umbrella.❤️☂️
Instead, the benches stood alone, wet from the rain and likely to be sat on by a couple in love.




Šetajući, primetila sam kako su bare izgledale kao gradska ogledala koja reflektuju kišni dan. Svaka je ogledala svoju priču, svoje lišće i drveće.

Walking, I noticed how the ponds looked like city mirrors reflecting a rainy day. Each mirrored its story, its leaves and trees.




Prepuna utisaka, prilazim svojoj zgradi i bacam još jedan pogled ka nebu razlivenih oblaka.

Full of impressions, I approach my building and take another look at the sky of scattered clouds.



Otključala sam vrata mog stana uz pomisao na divne stihove našeg srpskog pesnika,koji savršeno idu uz ovaj dan:

I unlocked the door of my apartment with the thought of the wonderful verses of our Serbian poet, which go perfectly with this day:

Kad bi meni dali jedan dan,
ja ga ne bih potrošio sam.
Pola dana ja bih dao nekom
ko je dobar, a slučajno sam.

Igrali bi, pričali bi nešto,
trčali bi, skakali bi vešto
ja i dobar, a slučajno sam.

Kad bi meni dali kišobran,
ja ga ne bih potrošio sam.
Pola mesta ja bih dao nekom
ko je dobar, a slučajno sam.

Kišilo bi, dok mi koračamo,
pola tamo a pola ovamo.
Stavili bi dan pod kišobran
ja i dobar, a slučajno sam.

Kad bi meni dali jedan dan,
ja ga ne bih potrošio sam.

/Branislav Brana Crnčević/

If you gave me one day,
I wouldn't spend it alone.
I would give half a day to someone
who is good, and I happen to be alone.

They would play, they would talk,
they would run, they would jump skillfully
I'm good, and I'm by accident.

If you gave me an umbrella,
I wouldn't spend it alone.
I would give half the place to someone else
who is good, and I happen to be alone.

It would rain as we walk,
half there and half this way.
They would put the day under an umbrella
I'm good, and I'm by accident.

If you gave me one day,
I wouldn't spend it alone.

/Branislav Brana Crnčević/

Greetings from Anka vregolana!👋☂️

