It is not enough just to live, but to live freely!


Najzad sunce! ☀️ Ni sekunde nisam razmišljala šta ću nakon što sam došla sa posla- idem da šetam! Da li bi tako lako mogla da odlučim da nisam slobodna?? Ne, naravno. Mnogi imaju kočnice, bilo psihološke bilo od ljudi oko njih. Sloboda je nešto najneophodnije za ljudsko dostojanstvo i kvalitetan život. Bez toga se SAMO živi i ništa više. Osnovni principi slobode su sloboda govora, misli, izbora, kretanja. . . Tek kada vam ovo neko oduzme, shvatite koliko je sloboda važna.
Danas sam provela divan dan udišući slobodu punim plućima.

Finally the sun! ☀️ I didn't think for a second what I'm going to do after I come home from work - I'm going for a walk! Could I decide so easily that I'm not single?? Of course not. Many have brakes, either psychological or from the people around them. Freedom is the most necessary thing for human dignity and a quality life. Without it, you ONLY live and nothing more. The basic principles of freedom are freedom of speech, thought, choice, and movement. . . Only when someone takes this away from you do you realize how important freedom is.
Today I spent a wonderful day breathing freedom to the fullest.




Prva pauza je bila na vidikovcu gde se nalazi jedan od najstarijih objekata na bregu,a to je Rimokatolički hram Sveti Krst ali medju stanovnicima prozvan “Crkvica na bregu”. Sagradjena je 1720. godine od dobrovoljnih priloga. Ona je simbol prve stanice za odmor i prava vazdušna banja! U ranijim postovima sam pisala i njoj pa se ovog puta neću zadržati oko nje već oko pogleda kroz njene zidove. Pogled koji pleni horizontom.

The first break was at the lookout point where one of the oldest buildings on the hill is located, namely the Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Cross, known among the residents as the "Church on the Hill". It was built in 1720 from voluntary donations. It is the symbol of the first stop for rest and a real spa in the air! In earlier posts, I also wrote about her, so this time I will not focus on her, but on the view through her walls. A captivating view of the horizon.


Sela sam na klupu nekoliko minuta odmarajući od najtežeg uspona na koji sam već navikla. Ubrzo sam krenula. Hodajući ka neodredjenoj destinaciji, spontano sam krenula stazom koja je vodila šumicom do još jednog vidikovca koji gleda na jugo-istok pa me je njegovo sunce primamilo.

I sat down on the bench for a few minutes, resting from the hardest climb I was already used to. Soon I was on my way. Walking towards an unspecified destination, I spontaneously took the path that led through the woods to another lookout looking to the south-east, so its sun enticed me.





Moj grad je poznat po vetru ali me je njegova jačina vrlo iznenadila na ovom mestu- smrzla sam se! 🥶😆
Uradila sam par vežbica i ubrzo krenula dalje. Nisam htela previše da se junačim. To ostavljam Superherojima. 😉

My city is known for its wind, but its strength surprised me very much in this place - I froze! 😆
I did a couple of exercises and soon moved on. I didn't want to be too heroic. I leave that to the Superheroes. 😉




Dok sam se vraćala divljom stazicom, pažnju su mi privukle biljke koje se često mogu naći oko stena i kamenja. Ovih dana su lepo prekrile hladne stene i gospodarile svojom lepotom na zimskim suncu.

As I was returning along the wild path, my attention was drawn to the plants that can often be found around rocks and stones. These days they beautifully covered the cold rocks and dominated their beauty in the winter sun.




Na jednoj od biljaka sam primetila i led koji se zadržao od hladnog jutra. Divan prizor.
Odlučila sam se za povratak. Vraćala sam se severnom stranom ( tako zivemo tu stazu u šumi ), gde se vetar uopšte nije osetio. Najzad. Spuštala sam se krivudavom šumskom stazom prepunom listopadnog drveća golih grana. Suncu je bilo lako da dopre do mene.

I also noticed ice on one of the plants that had remained from the cold morning. A wonderful sight.
I decided to return. I was returning on the north side (that's how we live on that path in the forest), where the wind was not felt at all. At last. I was descending a winding forest path full of deciduous trees with bare branches. It was easy for the sun to reach me.




Kao što rekoh, šetati slobodno bez ograničenja, birajući kuda ćete ići je neprocenjivo.

Like I said, walking around freely without restrictions, choosing where to go is priceless.


“ Sloboda nije filozofsko pitanje. Ovo je pitanje mentalnog zdravlja i dobrobiti. Ljudi koji žive kako vole ne sukobljavaju se sa ovim svijetom, ne brane svoje interese u njemu, boreći se sa svima redom. Štaviše, oni nisu u ratu sami sa sobom. Oni jednostavno žive srećno.”

"Freedom is not a philosophical question. This is a matter of mental health and well-being. People who live as they like do not clash with this world, do not defend their interests in it, fighting with everyone in turn. Moreover, they are not at war with themselves. They just live happily ever after.”

/ Mihail Labkovski /

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Yes, you are right, walking around without restriction is a great feeling. I am glad you could do this beautiful walk this morning and thanks for taking us there too.
The wind is not a cool thing though hahhah


The wind is windy everywhere, only in my city it is cold. 😆

Hey, glad you enjoyed it @mipiano !


By the way, for the last 8 years every summer, I spent my walks on the island of Palma de Mallorca. Considering that it takes two hours to go around the island by car, I managed to visit almost all the places.
Although I love the sea, I preferred the hills of Majorca for walking.

Serbia welcomes Spain! 👋
