Ljubav je kada se interesujete za život. Love is when you are interested in life.


Prva asocijacija na ljubav je odnos dva bića. To je usko gledanje pojma ljubavi. Ljubav nešto na šta čovek najmanje pomisli. Ljubav je nešto što nas najmanje uče odnosno ne uče. Dete više zna i ljubavi nego odrasli. Zato često čujemo rečenicu, ostanite dete. Ne detinjasti, nego jednostavni i znatiželjni kao dete. To je ljubav. Ljubav je strast prema životu! Rad na sebi, prihvatanje sebe. To je bila moja današnja tema u glavi dok sam šetala po hladnom i sivom danu. Baš zato. Kada sve izgleda tmurno i sivo, podsećam sebe koliko treba sijati iznutra.

The first association of love is the relationship between two beings. That is a narrow view of the concept of love. Love is something that a person thinks about the least. Love is something we are least taught or not taught. A child knows more about love than adults. That's why we often hear the phrase, stay a child. Not childish, but simple and curious like a child. It's love. Love is passion for life! Working on yourself, accepting yourself. That was my theme today as I walked on a cold and gray day. Which is why. When everything looks bleak and gray, I remind myself how much to shine from within.




Dok sam razmišljala o fenomenu koja se zove ljubav, zamalo nisam udarila u banderu sa putokazima! 🤔
Bilo je to čisto providjenje! 💡
Sami treba da pronadjemo i odaberemo kojim putem! Sreću gradimo svojim izborom. Stvarajući okolnosti, pravljenjem izbora, gradimo svoju sreću. Ne očekujte da vas spašava super heroj nego preuzmite odgovornost u svoje ruke! Zasucite rukave i hrabro kroz život!

While I was thinking about the phenomenon called love, I almost hit a signpost! 🤔
It was pure providence! 💡
We have to find and choose which way to go! We build happiness by our choices. By creating circumstances, by making choices, we build our happiness. Don't wait for a super hero to save you, but take responsibility into your own hands! Roll up your sleeves and bravely go through life!





Kao deca, vrlo smo imali otvoren um ali odrasli su nas učili da se pretvaramo, lažemo, ćutimo, trpimo, glumimo i tako su nas usisali u svet odraslih. Moramo baciti sve to u vodu i početi iz početka. Povratiti svoju nevinost. Gledati na dosadašnje stvari novim svežim i radoznalim očima. Počećete da primećujete kako situacije i odnosi dobijaju novu dimenziju. Budite prirodni, spontani, znatiželjni. Poštujte svoje želje, potrebu i nagone za istinom!

As children, we were very open-minded, but adults taught us to pretend, lie, be silent, suffer, act, and thus they sucked us into the world of adults. We have to throw it all away and start over. Reclaim your virginity. To look at things so far with new, fresh and curious eyes. You will begin to notice how situations and relationships take on a new dimension. Be natural, spontaneous, curious. Respect your desires, needs and urges for the truth!






Mnogo smo se udaljili od svog izvora. Povežite se sa sobom. Ako svetu ugodite, a vu niste srećni, čemu to? Čovek kad umire treba da bude zadovoljan onim što je proživeo. Onda je svaka borba imala smisla. To je jako važno. Svakome je dato vreme da čini sa njim šta mu je volja. Vi ste vlasnik svog života! Niko drugi. Ako ste zadovoljni samim sobom, zašto imate potrebu da se dokazujete drugima? Ne sakupljajte mrvice pažnje i ljubavi. Budite svetionik sami sebi. Ne plaćaju vam ljudi račune, sami brinete o sebi, znači samo sebi morate da se dokazujete.
Gradite samopouzdanje, imajte čuvajte svoj integritet, negujte svoju unutrašnju snagu. Takav čovek privlači ljude, takav čovek bi i vas privukao, zar ne?
Ljubav je kada na zdrav način volite sebe, prihvatite sebe, interesujete se za život.

We have drifted far from our source. Connect with yourself. If you please the world, but you are not happy, why? When a person dies, he should be satisfied with what he lived through. Then every fight made sense. That is very important. Everyone is given time to do with him as he pleases. You are the owner of your life! Nobody else. If you are happy with yourself, why do you need to prove yourself to others? Do not collect crumbs of attention and love. Be your own beacon. People don't pay your bills, you take care of yourself, so you only have to prove yourself.
Build self-confidence, keep your integrity, nurture your inner strength. Such a man attracts people, such a man would attract you too, right?
Love is when you love yourself in a healthy way, accept yourself, take an interest in life.


Došla sam svojoj kući, pogledala sam se u igledalo i ponovila sebi- ti si ok,ti si moj najbolji prijatelj.

I came home, looked in the mirror and repeated to myself - you are ok, you are my best friend.

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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