Meditacija kroz slike. Meditation through images.


Jučerašnji dan mi je bio malo stresan pa sam uveče poželela da se opustim. Ono što me najviše opušta je slikanje kao što možete i da vidite na mom blogu koji je pun slika. Ali nisam mogla bilo šta nego mi je trebalo nešto što relaksira i dušu i oči. Trebao mi je neki pejzaž bez puno detalja. Šetnja pored vode opušta pa sam obavezno naslikala i nju.Jezero, trska, planine. To je to.

Yesterday was a bit stressful for me, so in the evening I wanted to relax. What relaxes me the most is taking pictures as you can see on my blog which is full of pictures. But I couldn't do anything, I needed something that relaxes both the soul and the eyes. I needed some scenery without a lot of detail. A walk by the water is relaxing, so I made sure to paint it as well. The lake, the reeds, the mountains. That's it.


Ako mislite da je oko platna sve uredno, nije. Oko mene je uglavnom haos. Papiri za upijanje viška boje, razne posude, razbacane boje, posude sa vodom. . . 🤫😅
Najbitnije je da se dobro zabavim. 😉

If you think that everything is neat around the canvas, it is not. It's mostly chaos around me. Papers for absorbing excess paint, various containers, scattered paint, containers with water. . . 🤫😅
The most important thing is to have fun. 😉



Bitno je da imam kontrolu nad haosom. 😁 Ok. završila nebo, obavezno nakon svakog dela slike, sušim fenom.

It is important that I have control over the chaos. 😁 Ok. finished the sky, necessarily after each part of the picture, with a dry hair dryer.



A sada, jezero. Često ljudi koji ne slikaju, misle da su neki komplikovani delovi slike dugo i teško radjeni ali često se takvi potezi najjednostavnije naslikaju, Nekada čak i jednum potezom ali treba znati potez i imati dobru četku. Meni je falila četka za slikanje vode ali snašla sam se.
Dakle, nakon planine, - jezero.

And now, the lake. Often, people who don't paint think that some complicated parts of the picture are long and hard to make, but often such strokes are the simplest to paint, sometimes even with one stroke, but you need to know the stroke and have a good brush. I was missing a brush for painting water, but I managed.
So, after the mountain, - the lake.



Pigment kojim sam naslikala planinu, razblažila sam vodom nekoliko puta i iz nekoliko poteza oslikala jezero. Vidite te male ne premazane tačkice? To je sa namerom tako uradjeno jer taj deo ne premazanog papira daje efekat prirodnog svetlucanja vode.
Završila sam i jezero. Ostalo je još da uradim trsku oko vode.
Ona je zapravo najzanimljiviji deo slike.

I diluted the pigment with which I painted the mountain several times with water and painted the lake in a few strokes. See those little uncoated dots? It was done that way on purpose because that part of the uncoated paper gives the effect of the natural shimmer of the water.
I also finished the lake. I still have to do the reed around the water.
She is actually the most interesting part of the picture.




Za ovakav efekat postoji gruba četkica ali ni nju nemam pa sam se snašla. Trsku sam naslikala četkicom za zube! 😁 Zanimljiva alternativa, moraću da kupim drugu četkicu da bih večeras oprala zube. 😅
Ok. Nakon poteza četkicom za zube, slikarskom olovkom sam dodala još par detalja trave. Sad deluje prirodnije.

There is a rough brush for this effect, but I don't have it either, so I managed. I painted the reed with a toothbrush! 😁 Interesting alternative, I'll have to buy another brush to brush my teeth tonight. 😅
OK. After strokes with a toothbrush, I added a few more details of the grass with a painter's pencil. It seems more natural now.



Slika je gotova. Postigla sam ono što sam htela. Kao prvo, bilo je pravo uživanje, malo šanse da se iznerviram oko toga da li ću uspeti jer je slika jednostavna, a mislim da će biti predivan poklon nekome. 🎁💌

The picture is finished. I achieved what I wanted. First of all, it was a real pleasure, little chance of getting nervous about whether I would succeed because the painting is simple, and I think it will make a wonderful gift for someone. 🎁💌

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
