Naučite da uživate u svom društvu. Learn to enjoy your company. Da


Kada kažem nekome da idem sama na brdo da šetam, pitaju me- SAMA?
Zar se ne plašiš? Zar ti nije glupo?
Nije glupo ići sam, već je glupo da te to neko pita. Ja stvarno ne znam šta je sa ljudima? Danas si čudak ako voliš da budeš sam. Biti sam je odraz ili ovog vremena ili velika mudrost i lični rast.
Šetajući pored vode, meditirala sam gledajući labudove i uživala u svom društvu.

When I tell someone that I'm going alone to the hill to walk, they ask me - ALONE?
Aren't you afraid? Aren't you stupid?
It's not stupid to go alone, it's stupid to have someone ask you. I really don't know what's wrong with people? You're a freak today if you like to be alone. Being alone is a reflection of either these times or great wisdom and personal growth.
Walking by the water, I meditated watching the swans and enjoyed their company.




Društvo je u dubokoj krizi ako beg od sebe vide kao zabavu i poželjni oblik provodjenja vremena. Bežeći od sebe bežite od istine. Bežeči, poričete sebe. Ima li šta tužnije od toga? Stvari trebaju biti obrnute. Zavoleti i prihvatiti sebe.

Society is in deep crisis if they see escape from themselves as entertainment and a desirable way of spending time. By running away from yourself, you are running away from the truth. Running away, you deny yourself. Is there anything sadder than that? Things should be reversed. To love and accept yourself.





Naučite da uživate u svom društvu. Postanite toliko zadovoljni sobom da vam bude sve jedno da li će vam neko prići ili ne. Budite ispunjeni, ne strepite u samoći od praznine. Suočavajte se sa sobom, jedini lek da se preobrazite. Samoća i usamljenost su dva različita stanja.

Learn to enjoy your company. Become so satisfied with yourself that you don't care if anyone approaches you or not. Be fulfilled, do not fear the loneliness of emptiness. Face yourself, the only medicine to transform yourself. Loneliness and loneliness are two different states.



Budite jaki. Gradite svoju sreću radeći na sebi prihvatajući sve u sebi. Naučite da ljubav crpite iz sebe a ne od drugih jer kada neko isključi dugme “ljubavi” i pažnje, vi Ćete se razočarani. Nemojte da ljudi utiču na vašu izvornu sreću.

Be strong. Build your happiness by working on yourself by accepting everything in yourself. Learn to draw love from yourself and not from others because when someone turns off the "love" and attention button, you will be disappointed. Don't let people affect your original happiness.



Svi se trude da budu neko drugi. Zato se veze brzo raspadaju jer laž ne može da traje. Danas se svi trude da budu neobični. Naprotiv, budite obični jer to je danas neobično. Budite nezavisni. Samo sa takvim stavom može da počne veza. . .❤️💙

Everyone is trying to be someone else. That's why relationships break up quickly because a lie can't last. Today, everyone tries to be unusual. On the contrary, be ordinary because that is unusual today. Be independent. Only with such an attitude can a relationship begin. . .❤️💙

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
