Nepotrebno brinemo. We worry unnecessarily.


Da li znate, da većina stvari oko kojih smo brinuli, nikada se nisu ni desile. Briga za buduće situacije su nepotrebne. Briga dovodi do iscrpljenosti i gubljenja energije ni zbog čega. Ako već morate da brinete, razmišljajte o izlazu u trenutnom problemu. Sve ostalo je čisto gubljenje energije. Isto tako, kada očekujemo nešto super to i ne bude tako super. Trebalo bi da smo već naučili nešto iz iskustva.
Moj današnji učitelj na ovu temu- bila je veverica! 🐿😊

Do you know that most of the things we worried about never happened. Worries about future situations are unnecessary. Worrying leads to exhaustion and loss of energy for nothing. If you already have to worry, think of a way out of the current problem. Everything else is a pure waste of energy. Likewise, when we expect something great, it doesn't turn out so great. We should have already learned something from the experience.
My teacher today on this topic was a squirrel! 🐿😊


Ne znam da li su životinje pametnije od nas ali svakako žive na prirodan i instiktivan način što nije strano ljudima ali su se ljudi udaljili od prirode.

I don't know if animals are smarter than us, but they certainly live in a natural and instinctive way, which is not alien to humans, but humans have moved away from nature.




Pogledajte kako ona razdragano i veselo trči po travi i uživa na suncu! 🐿☀️! Da li ste nekada čuli za vevericu u depresiji? Anksioznu mačku? Za psa koji ima visok pritisak? Naravno da niste. 😁
Ne bi ni mi trebalo da imamo. Čovekovo telo je tako savršeno stvoreno da ne bi trebalo nikada da se razboli. Imunitet, odbrambeni mehanizmi savršeno rade. . . Ali mi smo zabrljali i ne pomažemo telu da savršeno funkcioniše.

See how she cheerfully and cheerfully runs on the grass and enjoys the sun! 🐿☀️! Have you ever heard of a depressed squirrel? An anxious cat? For a dog with high blood pressure? Of course you didn't. 😁
We shouldn't have either. The human body is so perfectly created that it should never get sick. Immunity, defense mechanisms work perfectly. . . But we have messed up and are not helping the body to function perfectly.




Ova veverica vam je u nekoliko skoka opisala ceo smisao života. Vazduh, sunce, kretanje, zdrava hrana i bez nerviranja. 😆 Znam da zvuči jednostavno sli i jeste jednostavno samo što su nas ceo život učili da budemo napeti i da kontrolišemo stvari. Upravo suprotno. Da li znate ŠTA je bolest. Bolest je poremećaj ravnoteže, ništa drugo. Moramo težiti balansu. Stalno moramo biti budni da nam ne promakne nešto jer ego voli igre i da nas uvlači u probleme. Ne dajte mu.

This squirrel described the whole meaning of life to you in a few jumps. Air, sun, movement, healthy food and no worries. 😆 I know it sounds simple and it really is, we've been taught all our lives to be uptight and in control. Exactly opposite. Do you know WHAT a disease is? Disease is a disturbance of balance, nothing else. We must strive for balance. We have to be constantly alert so that we don't miss something because the ego likes to play games and get us into trouble. Don't give it to him.



Uzmimo primer dijaloga, kada se prepirete sa nekim. Da li je bitnije da ste u pravu ili da imate svoj mir?
Zapamtite, na kraju se samo računa da li ste srećni ili niste. . .

Let's take the example of dialogue, when you argue with someone. Is it more important to be right or to have your own peace?
Remember, in the end it only counts if you are happy or not. . .

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
