Privilegija je biti ono što jesi. Da li ste autentični? It's a privilege to be who you are. Are you authentic?


Imamo deset prstiju ali nijedan nije isti. Ne postoje dve iste osobe na 🌎!
Danas kada za nekoga kažemo da nam prija jer je originalan i jedinstven, prava je retkost. Mi smo svi različiti ali nažalost, mnogi su generacijama unazad podlegli uniformisanosti i istom sistemu vrednosti. Zato je danas prava privilegija biti i pokazati svoju originalnost. Danas su retki ljudi originalni zato nam i privlače pažnju. Volimo ih jer nisu dosadni kao večina i dok ih sa uživanjem slušamo i posmatramo, kompenzujemo svoju potrebu za istim ali nemamo hrabrosti za to.

We have ten fingers but none of them are the same. No two people are the same on 🌎!
Today, when we say that we like someone because he is original and unique, it is a real rarity. We are all different, but unfortunately, many generations ago succumbed to uniformity and the same value system. That is why today it is a real privilege to be and show your originality. Today, few people are original, that's why they attract our attention. We love them because they are not boring like most and while we enjoy listening and watching them, we compensate our need for the same but we don't have the courage to do it.




Koliko ćemo biti autentični i od integriteta, zavisi u kakvoj sredini smo rasli kao deca. Ako smo bili voljeni, sigurni, bliski i otvoreni sa najbližima bićemo opušteni, otvoreni i slobodni da se izrazimo kakvi jesmo kada odrastemo.
Ako smo bili omalovažavani, kritikovani, tučeni, onda su velike šanse da odrastemo u stidljive i nesigurne osobe.

How authentic and integrity we will be depends on the kind of environment we grew up in as children. If we were loved, safe, close and open with those closest to us, we will be relaxed, open and free to express ourselves as we are when we grow up.
If we were belittled, criticized, beaten, then there are great chances that we will grow up to be shy and insecure people.





Niko od nas nije imao savršen źivot samo je neko imao više ili manje sreće da raste u porodicama koje nije mogao da bira i zato svi treba da radimo na sebi. Treba da osvestimo obrasce ponašanja koje ponavljamo iz primarne porodice, i otkrijemo ko smo?
Ako ne otkrijemo ko smo, ceo život ćemo projektovati odnose naših roditelja, braće, sestara i udaljavati se od nas samih.
Budite hrabri, zavolite sebe baš takve kakvi ste i desiće se neverovatna promena. Pričam iz iskustva. Ceo život sam nosila teg loših odnosa oko vrata. Kada shvatiš da se teg samo povećava i postaje sve teži, stiže signal za promene. Pogledajte ove cvetove, toliko izgledaju u buketu isto a opet je svaki različit, kao i ljudi.

None of us had a perfect life, only some of us were more or less lucky to grow up in families that we could not choose, and that's why we all need to work on ourselves. We need to become aware of the patterns of behavior that we repeat from the primary family, and discover who we are?
If we do not discover who we are, we will spend our whole life projecting the relationships of our parents, brothers, and sisters and moving away from ourselves.
Be brave, love yourself just the way you are and an incredible change will happen. I speak from experience. All my life I carried the weight of bad relationships around my neck. When you realize that the weight is only increasing and getting heavier, the signal for changes arrives. Look at these flowers, they look so much the same in a bouquet and yet each one is different, just like people.


Nemojte puniti život godinama već godine ispunite životom. Pomislite koliko bi život bio dosadan bez posebnih, jedinstvenih i originalnih ljudi. Zamislite da smo svi isti i pričamo iste priče? Zar to nije dosadno?
Budite crveni, žuti, ljubičasti, zeleni, budite cvet žedan vode i sunca!

Don't fill your life with years, fill your years with life. Think how boring life would be without special, unique and original people. Imagine if we were all the same and told the same stories? Isn't that boring?
Be red, yellow, purple, green, be a flower thirsty for water and sun!




Pitali su jednu medicinsku sestru, za čim ljudi koji umiru najviše žale? Rekla je. . . Da, pogodili ste, najviše su žalili što nisu radili više ono što oni vole a ne drugi. . .

They asked a nurse, what do dying people regret the most? She said. . . Yes, you guessed it, they regretted the most that they did not do more what they like and not others. . .

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
