Šetnja oko jezera. 🚶🚶A walk around the lake. 🚶🚶


Danima sam neispavana, ali nakon posla skupim snage da odem u šetnju sa ćerkom. Što se mane tiče prespavala bih dan ali uvek skupim snage zbog deteta. Ove generacije uglavnom provode vreme u kući i sa mobilnim telefonima, pa zbog toga smatram da roditelji imaju veću odgovornost da ih zaštite od toga. Roditeljstvo može biti lako ako ste neodgovorni i obrnuto. Dakle uz sakupljanje rezervnih atoma snage, pozvala sam ćerku u šetnju oko jezera. Nisam se pokajala.. .

I have been sleepless for days, but after work I muster up the strength to go for a walk with my daughter. As for me, I would sleep through the day, but I always gather strength for the sake of the child. These generations mostly spend time at home and with mobile phones, so I think parents have a greater responsibility to protect them from that. Parenting can be easy if you are irresponsible and vice versa. So, with the collection of spare atoms of strength, I invited my daughter for a walk around the lake. I didn't repent... .




Znali smo da nas ne razumeju, ali mi smo ipak rekle belim pernatim čuvarima jezera da su lepi da želimo malo da se družimo sa njima. Pristali su.

We knew they didn't understand us, but we still told the white feathered guardians of the lake that they were beautiful and that we wanted to spend some time with them. They agreed.




Primetile smo neobičnu penu na ivici vode, ne znamo od čega je. Možda je nekobacao nešto u vodu. 😔
Vetar je jako duvao i pravio talase. Labudovi su uporno radili svoj posao plivajući u inat vetru. Nekoliko njih nam se približilo. Uspela sam da ih uslikam.

We noticed an unusual foam at the edge of the water, we don't know what it's made of. Maybe he just dropped something in the water. 😔
The wind was blowing hard and making waves. The swans persistently did their work, swimming in spite of the wind. Several of them approached us. I managed to take a picture of them.




Ostavile smo ih na miru. Udaljile smo se nekoliko metara i posmatrale smo ih iz daljine kako plivaju ka suncu. Izglasali su kao neka božanstva na prosutom srebru. Fantastičan vidik!

We left them alone. We moved a few meters away and watched them from a distance swimming towards the sun. They voted like some deities on spilled silver. Fantastic view!





Izgledali su kao da se umiljavaju oko nas šaljući nam pozdrave. Lep prizor. Prošlo je neko vreme. Oblaci su prekrili vedri nebo. Vetar je počeo jače da duva. Još neki snimak i vraćamo se kući. . .

They looked like they were cuddling around us, sending us greetings. Nice sight. It's been a while. Clouds covered the clear sky. The wind started blowing harder. One more shot and we're going home. . .

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
