Šta znači voleti? What does it mean to love?


Prva asocijacija na reč ljubav je svima verovatno voleti partnera, prirodu, decu, životinje. . . Ok, ali da li ste pomislili na sebe?
Odatle sve počinje. Tek kada zavolite sebe možete voleti druge.Zašto je to tako? Kada ste saosećajni prema sebi onda možete iskreno da doźivite i tudje emocije. Ako ste prema sebi grubi, grubost ćete i videti. Zato se kaže lepota je u oku posmatrača.
Šetala sam parkom. Gledajući sunce koje se probija kroz iglice predivne jelke, razmišljala sam o ljubavi i fenomenu koliko smo svi žedni ljubavi a niko ne pomisli ako je svi samo želimo - ko će da onda dati ljubav?

The first association with the word love is probably for everyone to love their partner, nature, children, animals. . . Ok, but have you thought about yourself?
It all starts from there. Only when you love yourself can you love others. Why is that so? When you are compassionate towards yourself, you can honestly experience other people's emotions as well. If you are rude to yourself, you will see rudeness. That's why they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I was walking in the park. Looking at the sun breaking through the needles of a beautiful Christmas tree, I thought about love and the phenomenon of how much we are all thirsty for love and no one thinks that if we all just want it - then who will give love?





Upravo je to ljubav, davanje. I opet se vraćamo na početak. Tek kada volite sebe i postanete prijemčivi na život, ljude i stvari oko sebe, možete voleti i očekivati ljubav. Tek onda možete bezrezervno da dajete ovaj životni sok koji nam je potreban ništa manje od vazduha i sunca. Kada palite svojim plamenom drugo biće, vaš plamen neće nestati ili se ugasiti već ćete razbuktati sve oko vas i širiti ljubav. Ljudi uglavnom misle suprotno. Zašto ja da volim a on mene ne? Ali to nije ljubav, to je trgovina.

That's exactly what love is, giving. And we're back to the beginning again. Only when you love yourself and become receptive to life, people and things around you, can you love and expect love. Only then can you unreservedly give this life juice that we need no less than air and sun. When you light another being with your flame, your flame will not disappear or go out, but you will ignite everything around you and spread love. People generally think the opposite. Why should I love and he doesn't? But that's not love, that's trade.




Gledam predivnu prirodu oko sebe koja kao da me podržava u mojim mislima jer upravo razmenjujemo istu ideju ljubavi. Vidite kako ovo drveće daje prolaznicima i hlad i miris i kiseonik a ništa od vas zauzvrat ne traži?

I look at the beautiful nature around me that seems to support me in my thoughts because we are sharing the same idea of ​​love. You see how these trees give passers-by shade and smell and oxygen and ask nothing of you in return?




Šetajući se kroz besprekornu lepotu prirode, postidela sam se ljudskom sebičnošću koju nekada prevazidjemo ali nam je nažalost često djavo koji sedi na ramenu i šapuće- ne daj da te iskoriste, ne daj da te prevare! To naš ego pravi zamke trenutne naslade koje nam grči telo i sapliće nas.
Suprotno tome, LUBAV oslobadja. Ljubav topi najtvrdje u ljudima. Zapamtite, niko na ljubav nije imun! Ono što sam se uverila je, da je grubim ljudima ljubav najpotrebnija. Oni su grubi zbog visoke ranjivosti. Podigli su zidove i zaboravili na nežnost. Budite svetlo nekome. Svetlo u mraku najviše dolazi do izražaja.
Budite svetionik.Budite u skladu sa sobom i svime što vas okružuje. Budite LUBAV.

Walking through the flawless beauty of nature, I was ashamed of human selfishness that we sometimes overcome, but unfortunately we often have the devil sitting on our shoulder and whispering - don't let them take advantage of you, don't let them deceive you! It is our ego that makes traps of momentary pleasure that convulse our body and trip us up.
On the contrary, LUBAV frees. Love melts the hardest in people. Remember, no one is immune to love! What I have become convinced of is that rude people need love the most. They are rough due to high vulnerability. They built walls and forgot about tenderness. Be a light to someone. The light in the dark comes to the fore the most.
Be a beacon. Be in harmony with yourself and everything that surrounds you. Be LUBAV.





Dok sam odlazila iz parka, prolazeći kroz drvorede pored sebe sa moje leve i desne strane, kao da su to bili vitezovi koji su kleknuli na kolena zahvaljujući se na priču o ljubavi. . .

As I left the park, passing through the rows of trees on my left and right, it was as if they were knights kneeling in thanks for the story of love. . .

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Love is an Art, as Eric Fromm stated at the time.

Perhaps, love for ourselves is also one of those few things over which we can have absolute control. If we manage to work in our favor this wonderful feeling, even miracles will begin to decorate our lives.

Thank you for sharing such motivating messages dear @vragolana
