Sunčana strana ulice Palma de Mallorce. ☀️ Sunny side of Palma de Mallorca street. ☀️


Već mesecima učim akvarel i prilično sam se navikla na tutorijale, većinom ali u poslednje vreme sam sve hrabrija i sve više slikam samostalno. Koliko god da nam je prijatno u maminom stomaku, dodje vreme da se pupčana vrpca preseče. Portrete sam radila samostalno ali cityscape me je plašio. Danas sam odlučila da naslikam ulicu Palme samostalno sa moje fotografije koju sam fotografisala pre 5, 6 godina. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti.
Ovo je fotografija sa koje sam gledala:

I've been learning watercolor for months now and I'm pretty used to tutorials, mostly, but lately I've been getting braver and painting more and more on my own. No matter how comfortable we are in mom's belly, the time comes for the umbilical cord to be cut. I did portraits independently, but the cityscape scared me. Today I decided to paint Palm Street independently from my photo that I took 5, 6 years ago. I hope you will like it.
This is the photo I was watching from:


Zar nije inspirativna? ❤️☀️
Palma je zaista divna. Obožavam žuti kamen u njenim zgradama, kućama, kao da sija sunce iz njih. Energični ljudi, visoke palme, sve. Ono što je posebno zanimljivo na španskim ostrvima je neobična tradicija da su prozori i terase soba do ulice uvek otvoreni jer španci vole da prolaznici vide kako i koliko su lepo namestili i opremili te sobe, pogotovo slikama na moje zadovoljstvo.😊 Volim njihovu otvorenost i komunikativnost. Zamalo da posle toliko godina ostanem tamo da źivim ali sudbina me je uvek vraćala kući. Ko zna, jednog dana. Za sada ću Španiju samo slikati. 😍 Ok, evo i skice:

Isn't she inspiring? ❤️☀️
The palm tree is really wonderful. I love the yellow stone in her buildings, houses, as if the sun shines from them. Energetic people, tall palm trees, everything. What is particularly interesting in the Spanish islands is the unusual tradition that the windows and terraces of the rooms facing the street are always open because the Spanish like passers-by to see how and how nicely they have furnished and equipped those rooms, especially with pictures to my satisfaction.😊 I love their openness and communicativeness . I almost stayed there to live after so many years, but fate always brought me back home. Who knows, one day. For now I will just paint Spain. 😍 Ok, here's the sketch:


S obzirom da sam neretko morala da kopiram, sada sam gledala u fotografiju i potpuno samostalno nacrtala. Zaista sam zadovoljna. Inače, uvek sam mislila da slikari perfektno nacrtaju skicu onoga što će slikati ali zapravo im skice izgledaju kao dečiji crtež. Radi se o tome da se slikari ne opterećuju tehničkim delom skice već bojama učine čudo od skice. Evo i mog pokušaja da uradim isto. 😁

Since I often had to copy, now I looked at the photo and drew completely independently. I am really satisfied. By the way, I always thought that painters draw a perfect sketch of what they are going to paint, but actually their sketches look like children's drawings. It is about the fact that painters do not burden themselves with the technical part of the sketch, but make a miracle out of the sketch with colors. Here is my attempt to do the same. 😁




Počela sam od svetla odnosno senki koje padaju preko zidova zgrada. Akvarel je jedina tehnika koja svetlost dobija upravo obrnuto, nikakvim bojama već se ostavlja čist papir. Efekat je savršen. Ljudske figure su mi poseban izazov.

I started with the light or the shadows that fall over the walls of the buildings. Watercolor is the only technique that receives light exactly the other way around, without any colors leaving a clean paper. The effect is perfect. Human figures are a special challenge for me.



Slika je završena. Nadam se da sam dočarala prozračnost i egzotičnu atmosferu španske ulice jedne od mojih omiljenih. Do sledećeg akvarela, pozdrav i prijatni veče svim Hajverima! 👋☀️

The painting is finished. I hope I have captured the airiness and exotic atmosphere of one of my favorite Spanish streets. Until the next watercolor, greetings and a pleasant evening to all Haivers! 👋☀️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
