U susret Osmom martu Danu ŽENA.🌹 In anticipation of Women's Day on the 8th of March.🌹


Mart. Mesec koji odmah asocira na Dan žena. 🌹 Dan kada bi trebalo više razmišljati o njenim pravima, potrebama, zaštiti, voljenju. Nažalost, sve se svelo na kupovanje parfema i cveća. Nije poenta u tome, nije poenta u impresioniranju poklonima. Žena će viti zadovoljnija ako je svakog dana poštujete. Ne bih ulazila u dublje probleme jer se na medijima i društvenim mrežama može čitati i videti koliko je kroz istoriju borba za ženska prava napredovala i dokle smo stigli.
Dok pišem o ovome, današnje slikanje posvećujem ženama. Naslikala sam ženu kakva treba da bude. Ženstvena i nežna ali borbena iznutra. Ne mora žena da bude mišićavi gladijator da bi izgledala jako a to se upravo dešava. Žene su zapostavile ženstvenost. . .

March. A month that is immediately associated with Women's Day. 🌹 A day when you should think more about her rights, needs, protection, love. Unfortunately, it all came down to buying perfume and flowers. It's not the point, it's not the point to impress with gifts. A woman will be more satisfied if you respect her every day. I wouldn't go into deeper problems because you can read on the media and social networks and see how far the fight for women's rights has progressed throughout history and how far we have come.
As I write about this, I dedicate today's painting to women. I painted a woman as she should be. Feminine and gentle but fighting inside. A woman doesn't have to be a muscular gladiator to look strong and that's exactly what's happening. Women have neglected femininity. . .





Biti ženstvena ne znači da se po ceo dan šminkaš, nosiš štikle i čekaš da te muškarac šarmira. Ženstvenost znači malo više od toga. Žena isto kao i muškarac treba da poštuje, razvija empatiju, radi na istim ekonomskim i socijalnim pravima, brinuti o svom zdravlju a da ne izgubi pritom svoju ženstvenost.

Being feminine doesn't mean you wear make-up all day, wear heels and wait for a man to charm you. Femininity means a little more than that. A woman, like a man, should respect, develop empathy, work for the same economic and social rights, take care of her health without losing her femininity.





Mislim da smo se zadnjih godina zaglavili u odnosima u vezama. Kao da su se uloge obrnule. Žene su sve više muškarci i obrnuto. Borbom za emancipaciju, žene su pomerile toliko granicu da su na taj način sebe preopteretile obavezama. Toliko su postale samostalne da više ni ne osećaju potrebu za partnerom. To muškarci osećaju i reflektuju ono što su žene nametnule. To je ujedno prouzrokovalo otudjenost i ekspanziju usamljenosti. Borba za ženska prava ne znači da trebamo izgledati kao terminator već negovati ono što smo oduvek bile- žene.

I think we've gotten stuck in relationships in recent years. It was as if the roles were reversed. Women are more and more men and vice versa. By fighting for emancipation, women pushed the limit so much that they overburdened themselves with obligations. They have become so independent that they no longer feel the need for a partner. This is what men feel and reflect what women have imposed. This also caused alienation and the expansion of loneliness. The fight for women's rights does not mean that we should look like the Terminator, but rather cherish what we have always been - women.





Mislim da žene to polako shvataju jer su ponele previše obaveza i postale iscrpljene. Poenta je da u partnerskim odnosima delimo obaveze i poštujemo se.
Žena u dubini duše ipak želi da je zaštićena, a muškarcima je u genima da osvajaju žene što ne znači da žena ne treba da da signal i olakša muškarcu ili ga i sama osvoji. Mislim da smo se zaglavili izmedju romantike nekada i sada. Nova vremena imaju svoje prednosti ali mislim da se odlazi u krajnost. Da zaključim, žene treba da budu žene a muškarci muškarci sa jednakim socijalnim i ekonomskim pravima.
Moja slika je upravo završena:

I think women realize this slowly because they have taken on too many responsibilities and become exhausted. The point is that in partnership we share obligations and respect each other.
Deep down, a woman still wants to be protected, and it is in men's genes to conquer women, which does not mean that a woman should not give a signal and make it easier for a man or conquer him herself. I think we are stuck between romance then and now. New times have their advantages, but I think they are going to extremes. To conclude, women should be women and men should be men with equal social and economic rights.
My painting is just finished:


Dan ŽENA treba slaviti kao dan ženske solidarnosti i borbenosti,a ne kao „dan majki“ u potrošačkoj groznici „darivanja poklona“ kao i U podizanju svesti o tome da su upravo žene bile i biće masovni deo radničkih borbi, sastavni element klasnih borbi.
Zato budite borbene ali i nežne prema sebi! 🌹

WOMEN'S Day should be celebrated as a day of female solidarity and combativeness, and not as "Mother's Day" in the consumer fever of "giving gifts" as well as in raising awareness that women were and will be a massive part of workers' struggles, an integral element of class struggles.
So be fighting but also gentle with yourself! 🌹

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
