An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away


Hello everyone, it is a beautiful day to be a part of this beautiful and creative community where we can all share knowledge, learn, and have fun at the same time. I hope you have been enjoying your week because I have been enjoying mine.


An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away is one saying that has been for a very long time, and we will not lie that Apple is a happy fruit to eat, and virtually everyone has eaten this fruit in one way or the another, either through smoothies, cakes, or additives. Before I go ahead, let me quickly talk about the benefit of actually eating Apples. Apples have lots of vitamins which include vitamins C, A, B1, Ca, K, B2, and B6, Iron, fiber, and antioxidants, it also has calories. K is responsible for regulating blood pressure by maintaining a stable heart rate, while the Ca is responsible for strengthening bones and teeth. The antioxidant according to lots of studies like this have shown that antioxidants in Apple are responsible for boosting brain activity as well as it is also important when it comes to the prevention of inflammation in the body.

Another study shows that flavinoid fruits which apple is one can lower the risk of dementia.

The United States Department of Agriculture also confirms that an Apple a day can keep Alzheimer's away. The importance of eating apples can go on a long list which includes preventing thrombosis (blood clot in the vessel) which can be very dangerous leading to Stroke, reducing cholesterol preventing gallstones, and preventing the heart from overworking as a result of high bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein [LDL]), reduce the risk of gastritis, proper digestion as a result of the fibers, weight loss, and so on. An Apple a day is almost like having 100 medications in your system performing different activities.

Habits and Practices that I do regularly include eating fruits at least once a week, so as to help me boost my immune system, as well as the long list of importance I wrote previously above. Another practice that has become a part of my life is doing regular exercise, walking, and running. This helps me keep fit as well as keep my heart healthy on a regular so as to help it pump properly as well as prevent Varicose veins in the leg, as exercise of the leg helps the vein return blood back to the heart.

Health is wealth, my Dad always say this to me even when I was nowhere close to the health sector. He always ensured that we ate a fruit a week at least. We always had a time we call fruit time in our house, and during fruit time, my dad will come with different fruits once a week, and we allow us to eat our choice. He always said that fruits contained lots of vitamins and nutrients which is actually true. This is one habit that I have grown up to continue. At least once a week, I will ensure I have fruit and my favorite fruits are Apples, Watermelons, Mangoes, and Bananas.

Asides from eating fruit, another practice that has become a part of me is going for a walk or jogging in the morning. I do this every day, and it has become a part of me. I learned it when I was in Secondary school as my teachers ensured we jogged for 15 minutes before class. This was done before the first class of the day. This attitude has become a part of my life and I do it every day.

What are the health benefits of the habit(s)?

Eating fruits is very important as fruits contain a lot of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. It is important for food digestion, healthy bones, good health, and so on. I mentioned above and if you read carefully, you would see I was quite detailed with it. Exercise helps to keep the heart active and prevents it from scaring as a result of dead tissues. Let me quickly put that most part of the body doesn't regenerate and one part of the body that can regenerate 2/3 of its previous size even when removed is the liver but the heart isn't a regenerating organ, and if its tissue dies, they start to become scar tissues which is the usual thing that happens with most part of our body. When there are scar tissues in the heart, it now requires more effort to push blood through the body and can lead to a heart attack over time when it is stressed excessively.

If I were to give health tips unendingly, I would be glad to do that but one thing I will like us to take home with us just like we have learned about eating fruits and doing exercise is drinking water. Water is very important in our body's metabolism and it helps to keep us hydrated at all times, regulate body temperature, and aid digestion. Never joke with water, it is important to take it first in the morning before you begin any work.



Thank you for this amazing info


I love eating apples though I do not know much about its benefits, now with this info I will have to be eating more


What an enticing topic, apple is a great fruit, I should get one more often, it's just that, it is not so affordable over here, other fruits like oranges, mangoes, and bananas are way more affordable over here.


Yeah thanks for stopping by


This user is a fraud, he just stole my identity and is using it on HIVE
