Spinach and kale in the backyard


hello everyone, how are you guys doing, allow me to write and post some of the plants that are behind the house that are trusted that can be used as vegetables for us to eat and also these plants are usually very good if we plant them in pots and we put organic fertilizer or natural fertilizer from animal manure that has been processed

I can see the kale trees and spinach trees in the backyard that are here and also look to have grown and also many other plants that I have to clean the place first so that my kale and spinach plants can grow perfectly without being eaten fertilizer by other plants

eating vegetables from natural fertilizers is also not harmful to health because it does not use harmful fertilizers

This spinach plant can usually harvest about 1 month from the first arrival of seeds

Those are some healthy plants to plant behind your house, all of you also plant them and I also want to see the plants that you plant
