Threads Of Deception


The long awaited unveiling event was finally here as Amelia Watson exited the car and stepped up on the sidewalk. She had never been to this part of the city let alone seen the building.

It was quite a sight to behold with it's metallic golden archway entrance. On either side, the walls appeared to be a see through mirror with illuminated patterns that looked like the neural pathways of the human brain. As she moved through the doors following the stream of people, she continued to look at the architecture. Everything about this building was awe inspiring right down to the golden towering columns embedded with intricate led lights that outlined the lobby.

She flashed her press pass to the man at the entrance of the event room door and went in to find her seat. It was to the right of the center table in front of the stage. The room was curtained in black fabric speckled with multicolred light that made the room look like a start night sky.

As she took her seat she looked around the room which was dimly lit and as opulent as the rest of what she had seen so far. Others milled about talking in excited tones.

She recalled the meeting a month ago at work where assignments were handed out. Her boss had chosen her to cover CortexTech's new device reveal. In the invitation that was sent to the Sentinel Dispatch she had learned of a series of teaser trailers that would be released every Friday, up to the unveiling event, that would tell a little more information each time. She was now more excited then she had ever been about any assignment she had received.

Amelia looked up as the lights were dimmed to a point where the only thing visible in the room was the image display. The music that had been playing softly in the background went silent. The conversation which had almost drowned out the music hushed as everyone wandered to there seats. When all eyes were on the stage the spotlight was switched on from some unseen place and James Donovan stepped up to the mic.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this evenings event. Tonight we will tell you all about CortexLink. Not only will we show you what is looks like but we will also give a demonstration of how it works."

He continued his speech for about five minutes before a small podium rose up out of the floor next to him. With a gleam in his eye he paused before turning to the podium and removing the velvet cover. On the image display was a close-up shot of the CortexLink. An excited gasp went around the room as James picked up the device for the camera.

"The CortexLink will come in two variations. This one will be attached to the side of the head. Either near the temple or behind the ear which will be easily removable, with the help of a physician of course."

James once again paused as another image came up on on the image display behind him. This time the device was much smaller. He went on to explain this was the CortexLink that would be surgically implanted for those who needed more medical attention then those using the first device.

He finished with his opening speech and introduced Ethan Sinclair, the founder and CEO of the CortexTech company. Ethan took the stage and spoke briefly of the years of research and development before introducing one of the people who had been selected for the trial phase of the gadget. This was a man in his mid twenties. His presentation was another five minute before the next participant was introduced.

When Dr. Cassandra Reed was introduced the scientists clapped. The participants had been selected with the agreement they sign a non disclosure agreement so no one knew Dr. Reed had been part of the trials. She had an impressive back ground in brain-computer neuroscience. As a phd in the subject she was able to offer invaluable insights and feedback.

As Dr. Reed prepared for her presentation of the real-time translation capabilities the connection between the CortexLink she wore and the viewscreen briefly glitched. It showed an image flash that was so quick it was seen as just a white spot before the screen went blank. James walked quickly to the microphone and explained that such minor hiccups are expected in the realm of cutting-edge technology. The glitch was quickly remedied and the presentation continued.

The rest of the evening went uneventfully and before Amelia knew, the event was over but she had gotten plenty of information to report on. She was now fascinated with the technology and hoped she would get the chance to write more on the topic.


Hehehe... Glad the hitch was solved honestly.
That would have spoilt the fun of the whole day.
This is a nice post .... I just knew what CortexLink is from here


No spoilers were hurt in this post.

Thanks for reading and I'm glad you liked it. I hope to make it more then just this. It was an idea I had after watching an episode of Stargate.
Kind of a mix of Conspiracy Theory meets science fiction.


Cool story!


Do you see where it's going? 😉😁😁


Sounds to me a little like big tech and government are trying to take over with all this " medical technology" to spy on people. Not to mention that"little" glitch that was so fast no one caught it.


There was nothing in this post about government, silly.


No, but if you think about all the entities behind projects like this somewhere the government will be there.


nice post.. thank you for sharing :) have a great weekend


Thanks for reading. I hope to be able to make this into something more then just this.
