Whispers Of A Silent Survivor

I am going to try something different for a bit. I need to be able to schedule my posts so that I can keep up my daily streak so I am going to do a bunch of five minute freewrites. In the meantime I will continue to work on other types of writing and hopefully fill in on some of the stuff I have previously written about.

Steampunk Girl 3.pngimage created using deep ai

It had been a month since the attack on her village but Riley could not stop the nightmares from waking her up. She had left after watching from a distance, knowing she could do nothing. All she had was the clothes on her back and a small pack of a couple changes of extra clothes she had managed to lift from the neighbor's son. Luckily she had fallen asleep with belt utility belt that night or she might have lost the only gift she got from her parents.

This night she had chosen to sleep in a tree but upon waking she heard a voice coming from below. She saw no one around. She shimmied down the tree to see if she could figure out where the sound was coming from and almost ripped the sleeve of her tunic. It had been warm so she opted to go without her leather wool trimmed vest.

Again she heard the voice but much closer and upon looking around the only thing she saw was a plant that looked like someone had dumped out of the clay pot not far from it.

I hope you enjoyed this and I may or may not expound upon it. Only time will tell. Until my next post I look forward to engaging with you in the comments.And if you are coming from outside of hive and enjoyed my content, please consider supporting me.
