Homemade coffee ice cream with three ingredients


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Un cordial saludo a todos los que somos amantes del café en esta comunidad de #cinnamoncupcoffe. Siempre he sentido curiosidad como se hacen los helados, ya que es uno de mis postres preferidos, así que hoy me aventuré en preparar un helado casero y sin máquina, fácil y con solo tres ingredientes, que mejor sabor que el café que siempre esta presente en mi dieta. El helado de café casero es un postre delicioso que se puede preparar siguiendo unos pasos sencillos, siendo además una opción muy recomendable para todos aquellos que como yo somos amantes al sabor a café .

A warm greeting to all of us coffee lovers in this #cinnamoncupcoffe community. I have always been curious about how to make ice cream since it is one of my favorite desserts, so today I ventured to prepare an easy ice cream with only three ingredients, what better flavor than coffee that is always present in my diet. The homemade coffee ice cream is a delicious dessert that can be prepared following a few simple steps, being also a highly recommended option for all those who like me are coffee flavor lovers.

Ingredientes| Ingredients

  • 300g leche condensada

  • 300g de crema de leche

  • 2 cucharadas de café soluble

  • 2 cucharadas de agua

  • 300g condensed milk

  • 300g milk cream

  • 2 tablespoons of instant coffee

  • 2 tablespoons of water


Paso a paso| Step by step.

1.- Primero preparé el café instantáneo, disolviendo en un vaso pequeño, dos cucharadas de café con dos cucharadas de agua tibia, removemos hasta conseguir que no haya ningún grumo y haya quedado disuelto del todo.

First I prepared the instant coffee, dissolving in a small glass, two tablespoons of coffee with two tablespoons of warm water, stir until there are no lumps and it is completely dissolved.



2.- En un recipiente agregamos la leche condensada y luego añadimos el café disuelto, removemos bien, mezclándolo por completo con ayuda de una varilla de cocina.

In a bowl add the condensed milk and then add the dissolved coffee, stir well, mixing it completely with the help of a kitchen whisk.



3.- Ahora preparamos la crema de leche, para ello la sacamos refrigerada para que suba más fácilmente, la trasladamos a la batidora y batimos hasta que nos quede espesa.

Now we prepare the milk cream, for this we take it out refrigerated so that it rises more easily, we transfer it to the mixer and beat it until it is thick.



4.- Añadimos la mezcla de la leche condensada y el café disuelto a la crema batida, y revuelve suavemente hasta que se integren.

Add the condensed milk mixture and the dissolved coffee to the whipped cream, and stir gently until combined.



5.- Colocamos la mezcla en un envase, tapamos con papel aluminio y congelamos por un tiempo de 8 a 10 horas aproximadamente, o hasta el día siguiente.

Place the mixture in a container, cover with aluminum foil and freeze for approximately 8 to 10 hours, or until the following day.




Listo mi helado de café y ya podemos disfrutarlo, con una textura suave y cremosa con un sabor tan espectacular como el café. Lo podemos decorar con nuestros topin favoritos y así se verán mas irresistibles.

My coffee ice cream is ready and we can now enjoy a smooth and creamy texture with a flavor as spectacular as coffee. We can decorate them with our favorite toppings and they will look even more irresistible.





El texto es original de: @wendyth16 Todos los Derechos Reservados / © Wendy Hurtado Fotografías tomadas desde mi celular Xiaomi Redmi 9.

The text is original from: @wendyth16
All Rights Reserved / © Wendy Hurtado
Pictures taken from my Xiaomi Redmi 9A phone.


Captura de pantalla 2021-09-17 224811.png


5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://peakd.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem


Genial!!! Excelente receta. Gracias por compartir, se ve delicioso.


