Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen - Chapter 50


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Welcome to my seemingly endless journey.
A trip that will take you to places I might have visited many moons ago.
It´s a tale that came back to me when I meditated on one of my past lives. A life I told you about in my unbelievable true story.

As promised in that story I will now share this story with you.

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Chapter 50

Dear Reader, Knowledge is power.

Knowledge is at the same time powerless since you can no longer stop what is already in motion.

Even if you have the knowledge and see the consequences, you remain a voice crying in the wilderness.

Your knowledge and insight will never enable you to counteract the turn the world is taking without help.

With the right support, you can hopefully slow her down just a little bit.

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Cabilah's eyes wouldn't leave the earring as Numico continued. “He wears that sign on his chest. This time I saw it consciously. He bears this mark. The man in the tower bears the same sign that we received from Kosa. The same sign you saw in your dreams Martio."

I take my eyes off the symbol and look at the boy who still looks a bit pale but the talking seems to do him good. "It is clear that we are getting closer to the answer. That pearl with the flower appears again and again. More and more, so I think we're getting closer. I mean a dream offers little guidance. The things Kosa gave us a lot more, but they had been found years ago. But this dog was still alive.”

He was right, I also felt that we were getting closer to our answer. Only, as is often the case with answers, they raise more questions than they answer.

I have experienced this all too often in my curious life. On the other hand, it has never stopped me from continuing to look for the answers to the new questions.

Knowledge is most useful if you don't know anything, but then you don't need it. I have been searching for knowledge all my life, but it has never really satisfied me. Yet I wanted to find it, own it, share it, pass it on.

It feels like my job to teach the wisdom I collected. But if it doesn't fulfill me, why should I burden those who also seek it, if it won't satisfy them either?

I also realize that the knowledge I pass on is of vital importance. It could save lives and maybe even protect from coleteral death if I would manage to find the master of the world. But even if I find him, would my knowledge allow me to persuade him?

Would that be the point?
Is that my task in the great chain called the world?
Am I able to halt this or have the wheels been set in motion for a long time?
Has the outcome already been determined?


These fragmented thoughts pass through my head in a few seconds, until my eyes rest on Cabilah's. Her lip trembles and her eyes are still focused on the symbol.

“You know this sign,” she asks.

“You dream about it? This is what ruined my life,” she cries out. “I saw this sign every night, dripping in blood. I still dream of the screams,” she still screams.

Tears stream down her face.

“Fire, screaming, then it turns black and out of the darkness I see this sign rising, out of the flames that I see when I look back.”

Her body shakes, her lips quiver like the string of a bow that has just been loosed. Retsj puts his arms around her, Cabilah completely disappears into them, only her legs are still visible.

The crying turns to sobbing and then to silence.

“Thank you,” she says to Rechmana and turns up her nose.

“You'll probably think I'm weak, maybe that's true. But too much has happened. I can no longer put everything away, it's no longer possible. But I understand that you want to get rid of me. When we reach the next village I will find a man who wants me, so you won't have to comfort me anymore.”

We look at each other and without saying a word, Numico and I walk over to her, put our arms around her and Retsj embraces us all. Cabilah's tear-stained face relaxes.

“You don't have to go anywhere, we think you are strong. Don't worry, this is only normal after what you've been through. You are now among friends, don't forget that."

"We cannot feel what you have been through. But each of us knows pain, sadness, and loneliness. We understand that much. You are one of us now and none of us will blame you for being who you are.”

“Friend,” the three of us say and Cabilah laughs.

“Cabilah we are looking for the origin of this sign, but it is clear that you and this symbol have a past. It might be a good idea to temporarily suspend our trip."

"As otherwise soon our path takes us to and then through the village that you left behind so many years ago.” I look around for a moment, both men nod in agreement and then six eyes are focused on this young woman.

She turns, her back now to us, her face looking towards her old village. “You are very kind to me, something I have little experience with, but I must say that I like it. It would be the stupidest thing I could do to leave you behind because friends are few and far between."

"The offer, on the other hand, is very compassionate and I am grateful for that too. It would be worth considering if you weren't...." she look at all of us for a bit before she continues.

"......there is something else, something almost as important. For years I lived with the sadness of the past hidden inside me. Very occasionally, in the dead of night, when no one knew of my existence, I dared to dream. My fondest wish was to one day be able to track down those who killed my parents. To prevent them once and for all from even killing an ant or hurting a fly."

"They are allowed to rot in the holes they once crawled out of and be hunted by the souls they took their lives, both when they wake and when they sleep."

"You can make this wish come true, a wish I never dared to express myself. We may not get that far, just getting the chance to make my wish come true will be worth my life.”

She spoke without tears, her tone was not cold it was filled with passion. Full of fire that came straight from her core. With every word the sad girl grew and when she had finished speaking, a woman stood there. Her back straight, her eyes filled with certainty.

She radiated the strength that young hunters radiate but with a certainty and a resignation that young hunters do not know. Here stood a person who, even if she was losing, would not be influenced. She would keep her goal in mind and persevere.

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Picture By Me And My Artificial Intelligence
