RE: Hive Owned By Companies and HiveWatchers - How They Like To Play


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👀 There you have it @apshamilton.

This is EXACTLY what I was talking about.

Yes. @hivewatcher is a small insignificant account but they are posing as a self appointed authority and clearly they are not fit to fill those boots.

I do NOT accept their role within our community however much the need is for the identification and red flagging of plagiaristic activity on the blockchain may be... We are sacrificing far to much and getting far more than we bargained for in return.

With this as an accepted authority I wouldn't say that Hive is a safe or promising place to invite my friends, family, or famous to... not to mention put in my time to build out my business interests and invest my hard fought capital into.

Hive certainly needs a PROFESSIONAL, unbiased, objective, sound method of identifying behaviors on the blockchain that detract from the health and wellbeing of the community... but the mind and methodologies behind @hivewatcher has no place in providing this. I would say the above comment clearly disqualifies them and undeniably so. (And YES! They need to answer to the entire Hive community.)

Thank you for taking a serious look at my concerns and thank you for responding the way that you did.

We need to call attention to @hivewatcher's methods, agendas, everything as, in my opinion, they have landed themselves in MY BLACK LIST.

I will NOT accept this degraded level of policing on Hive. It's toxic and destroys the friendly environment we have all worked (and are working) so hard to build up and maintain.

I am NOT ok with this. Let it be known.

This is why I think we need to setup the blockchain itself and the wider community to deal with issues of plagiarism rather than rely on a centralized and fallible approach like this.

As a positive... If we were to make this an auto-flagging system and a more community centric way of meeting out that functionality (build it right into the Hive code) this could be a very good way for people to identify themselves as those who care about Hive, it's people and all of our wellbeing. The more use factors for our powered up Hive the better.

So yes... I'm just going to take this opportunity to put it out there while we are on the topic because it might solve this problem right in the code.

And now is as good a time as any to let you know...

Andrew! I'll be voting for your witness tonight. 🙌

We need you more than ever as we move ourselves closer to where we need to be within the wider crypto community. The world is watching... so how we treat our own does matter and having a friendly Hive is more important than it's ever been before.

We are poised to grow... and the sooner we drop the things that will slow us down and trip us up... the better!

Thank you @sharkthelion and @pickpub for adding your voice to this conversation. I hope that more of the Hive community see's what is happening in this post and decides to weigh in. Thank you for caring enough to do so you guys. 🙌


Thank you for alerting me to this issue. I have taken it up with major stakeholders and will be making efforts to ensure Hivewatchers returns to a completely apolitical stance and only deals with blatant plagarism (copyright breach) and scams (fraud).
