
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog at this hour. Due to the present economic situation in the world it is quite hard for most people to focus on the present and it is affecting their health adversely. Most people are fond of living either in the past by bothering about some life mistakes that they have made, opportunities they lost while others are busy brooding over what will happen in the future and having high expectations of what tomorrow will hold. Well, sit back, relax and enjoy all that I have packaged for your reading pleasure.

It is important to live in the moment and not bother too much about the past or future. This can be achieved by being thankful for the present life that you are living and not bothering yourself over all the things you wish you had in the past or the ones you hope to have in the future either financially, emotionally, materially, academically etc. It shows that you are ungrateful for the present life that you are living if you are always complaining and brooding over your past and future. Showing gratitude to the people around you and most importantly to God is a way of living in the moment.

Remember that the present life you are living is some people's prayer point. The things you have in your possession, your qualifications, your class that you think is nothing is what some people are fasting, praying and working towards but instead of you to express so much gratitude you keep wallowing in regrets of the past and thinking about the future. It is true that fingers are not equal and it is the more reason you should be happy and thankful for what you've got. The rice or cassava flakes that you are complaining of eating all day, all week is what some people wish they can have on their table at least once in a day, but you have it in abundance, yet you are complaining.

The kind of lifestyle that most people live may make it hard for them to live in the moment. A lot of people do not create time to notice their immediate environment due to busy schedules at work and in the home. It is easy to forget about all that you lost in the past or future opportunities and enjoy what the present moment offers by taking time to observe all that is happening around you. It is either you have a deadline to meet up with or there is a particular person you must meet up with before the end of the day - letting this lifestyle become a part of you will make you have less time to appreciate your life. You can try to set out some time during the day to observe your (present) life and appreciate how far you have come. This will help you to stay clear from your past or future and focus on NOW.

In the same vein, if you are someone who multitask every now and then it may be difficult to live in the present. Multitasking is good but when it is done too much and every time it may have adverse effects. It is a known fact that you use more energy when you do more than one thing at a time and apart from that it will require so much attention that you'd not be able to think about something else. The only thing that will be on your mind is to get the job done as quickly as possible which mean that you will not even have the opportunity to think about other things not to talk of enjoying the present moment.

Perhaps you lost your job, a loved one or your apartment was demolished or destroyed by flood, it may be hard to accept the condition and move forward with your life, hence, you're always bothered about your past. This life isn't balanced. It is not possible to have everything go the way you want it - there are some situations that are definitely beyond man's control. One way to live in the moment and enjoy the present is to accept what life throws at you. For instance, if life throws you lemons, make lemonade. If life throws you beans, make moi moi.

Living in the moment is good for you and for your mental well-being. Learn how to make the best use of every single moment because you may not relive the moment.

All contents are originally written by me, @williams-owb


Williams Oluseyi is a Linguist by discipline from one Africa's Most Prestigious Citadel of Learning, Obafemi Awolowo University. He developed interest for blogging at very early stage which motivated him to study English Language in College. He is a prolific writer, an inquisitive and judicious reader, to say the least. To get his daily bread, he is currently working in a Logistics company in Nigeria.
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5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then.
