
Countless times during the journey of your life I'm sure you'd have been adviced to believe in yourself, value yourself, that if you don't do it no one will do it for you, that you need to be your own motivation and so on. These are all true and they all sum up to mean that you must have self confidence and high self-esteem if you want to be successful and happy.

Self-esteem simply have to do with how you feel about yourself, how you value, respect and admire yourself and more importantly how you show it to other people. In addition, self-esteem can also be expressed in how you feel other people value and respect you. This is the reason victims of abuse (sexual, physical, emotional, financial) are likely to be affected by low self-esteem in their life.

Often times, depression and (low) self-esteem are being interchanged but they are not the same. Depression is a mental disorder that affects both the mind and the body and one of the factors that cause it is low self-esteem. A person is suffering from low self-esteem when they do not feel good about their body or have difficulty speaking to others because they feel people wouldn't listen to what they have to say. This can lead to loneliness and depression if it go on for a long time.

Remember, your self-esteem is the image you create of yourself and the part of you that you bring to the fore. Nobody is perfect, right? But you must show yourself so much love and compassion by focusing on the good part of your life and focusing less on the ones that are not too good. You are the only person who can define what you want other people to see in you and if you fail to do that people will create their own image of you in their head and it may affect your relationship with them on the long run.

High self-esteem means that you must always see yourself in a positive light even though you're not perfect and do not love everything about you. It does not mean that you will not criticize yourself or try to get rid of the part of your life that you are less proud of because you have high self-esteem. The bottom line is that if you have high self-esteem it won't make the deficiencies in your life make you look worthless rather the positives in your life will bring out the best in you.

Basically, high self-esteem is a state of mind that allow you to celebrate your wins, challenge your setbacks and give you a special feeling about yourself. It allows you to face your daily battles with so much confidence, trust and respect in yourself.


Do you know the legal name of @themarkymark ???? It is needed to contact his local police station. Any information to his whereabouts would be much appreciated.


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