Mi presentación de Hive: Descubramos auténticas experiencias glocales



¡Hola! Soy Willians Labrador, comunicador social, egresado de la Universidad de Los Andes (ULA) Venezuela. Actualmente estoy finalizando una Especialización en Periodismo Digital que me ha aportado nuevos conocimientos en la creación de contenidos digitales.
Will looking to sun.jpg

He ejercido el periodismo informativo e institucional por alrededor de 10 años. También incursioné en la academia como docente universitario. En los últimos años he sido migrante por Sudamérica, pero ahora estoy de vuelta en San Cristóbal, mi ciudad natal.


Me gusta explorar lugares, disfrutar la naturaleza, apreciar la cultura y valorar el patrimonio edificado. Combino la redacción con la fotografía para describir y capturar la esencia de los entornos urbanos y naturales que voy descubriendo en el camino.


Anteriormente mi oficina quedaba a 12 kilómetros de casa, hoy es ubicua, esto quiere decir que está presente en todas partes, la llevo conmigo para seguir divulgando las historias que construyo a través de mi interpretación y del lente de mi cámara.


Espero aprovechar este blog que recién comienzo para compartir contenidos, especialmente sobre sitios turísticos, culturales, recreativos y de interés social. Asimismo, espero formar parte de la gran comunidad de Hive, aprender y aportar conocimientos, así como crear nuevas amistades.


Hello! I am Willians Labrador, social communicator, graduated from the University of Los Andes (ULA) Venezuela. I am currently finishing a Specialization in Digital Journalism that has given me new knowledge in the creation of digital content.

I have practiced informative and institutional journalism for about 10 years. I also dabbled in academia as a university professor. In recent years I have been a migrant through South America, but now I am back in San Cristóbal, my hometown.

I like to explore places, enjoy nature, appreciate culture and value built heritage. I combine writing with photography to describe and capture the essence of the urban and natural environments that I discover along the way.

Before my office was 12 kilometers from home, today it is ubiquitous, this means that it is present everywhere, I take it with me to continue spreading the stories that I build through my interpretation and the lens of my camera.

I hope to take advantage of this blog that I have just started to share content, especially about tourist, cultural, recreational and social interest sites. I also look forward to being part of the great Hive community, learning and contributing knowledge, as well as making new friends.


Hey @wlabrador! This is @indayclara from the @ocd team. Congratulations and welcome to Hive!

Can we ask first how you learned about Hive or who invited you here?

Starting your journey here on Hive can be overwhelming so it's good to do your research and ask around. You can also read: How To Get A Great Start on the Hive Blockchain.

Some things to remember here on Hive:

  1. Make sure to share your future blogs in the appropriate Communities. It's best to read the rules and guidelines associated before publishing your blog.
  2. If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here.
  3. Plagiarism and any form of abuse is considered a serious offense.

We wish you all the best in your Hive journey!
