My Hive Community Presentation


Dear Hivens

I would like to send you my cordial greetings and best wishes, my name is Wladimir Andarcia, Civil Engineer by profession and Visual Artist in the Discipline of Photography, I am also a husband and father of two amazing boys.


H a p p y F a m i l y

I want to share with you dear photo shoot for this beautiful family, happy with their first baby, we had a very fun day, they never ran out of taking photos. Sebas was very good! We took photos in the studio with flash and outdoors with natural light. Sebastian's eyes are like that! incredibly beautiful ..


















Canon EOS 5D Mark III, 50mm, 85mm, 15-85mm, 2 Flash Elinchron 500w, 2 SoftBox.

A native of Caracas, officially Santiago de León de Caracas, the most populous city in Venezuela and its Federal Capital. Inhabited around the 1500s by the Carib Indians and the Caracas Tribe, among other natives of Venezuela.


I came to Hive through my friend nayibeth whom I love very much! and has served as a model for me on several occasions.


I tell you that since I was a child, my passions have been directed towards the arts and research. Which has given me various personal and professional development tools. I like to participate as a communicator by taking an active position on the different issues of social interest. If I am convinced of something, it is that what really matters lies not only in the vision I have of the world, but also in the way I allow myself to approach it. have before it, creating my own criteria and being part of them.

Since I was a child I have been interested in technology. I remember in 5th grade I wanted a computer and it wasn't until I entered high school that I was able to have my first computer, since data processing was one more subject to study. I learned how to put it together and take it apart and even wrote in various programming languages. Later I wanted to study engineering, but this time civil engineering so that I could build dreams that could last over time.

So, I had a re-encounter with photography and behind it a love story. Through photography I can capture the light and time of that memorable moment that will never be repeated! I turned! in an image builder.


Photography for me! It is more than stepping on a button! It is as the famous French photographer Henry Cartier Bresson says, "Photography is aligning the head, the eye and the heart on the same axis", it is inspiration, creativity, intuition, emotion, ideas!, in short...there are so many things about the being and his personality...

All photographs belong to my photographic archive, all have been taken with Canon EOS, XTi, T4i, 7D DSRL cameras.

I am also amused and interested in various topics, such as nature, sports, religiosity, spirituality, poetry, among others.

I thank you for coming this far in reading where I tell you a little about myself! The time you have dedicated is very valuable, once again thank you very much.


Hello Wladimir
Welcome to the Hive blockchain and platform, Yes its happening you are a hiver or Bee as we are calling ourselves now. This is the moment to warm welcome you as a new user. And you receive this message because you used the #introduceyourself tag!

I was welcomed with good advice too when I started so here I am returning the favour. I know that Hive may seem very overwhelming right now but don't worry. After a few blog you will be a great blogger and contributor.
If you have any questions just ask your questions on any of my blog posts and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I may know the answer. If not I will know someone who does.

Very important I recommend you to never give up any off your passwords they are yours.
To blog i use Peakd, to control your account use Ecency, also an App I use is great, it gives you insight on what is happening in your account.

Maybe great to join the terminal in Discord and visit @heyhaveyamet to See more newcomers onboard.

Good Luck, Have fun and I wish you loads of success on here! :)

GREETZ from Holland

Theterminal discord invite

Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !



Or watch this


Ola, Welcome to Hive!

Excellent introduction.

Here you will find a very healthy network.
Where you have freedom of speech and receive a lot of support for your effortin creating content.
I hope to see you flying through the communities and staying forever in Hive!
Nice to meet you!

Boelter hugs straight from Brasil!

I invite everyone to participate in the communities: HiveBR, MusicHive and SkateHive.
In addition to being a content creator, I am a Moderator and Curator in these communities.
Let's exchange ideas and evolve together.



Hi bro , nice to have you here, I really appreciate your presence of this new hive world. Actually Im a new too, so perhaps we can support eachother constantly and also if you need some help I always open for a hand 24/7 so please don't hesitate to hit me. You can follow me for inspiration in case you need it, or simply chat me if you have something to ask..

thankyou , your baby also look so beautiful tho😀
