How I Maximize My Day


I've been living around a schedule lately and it has been working for me. I think my days have been more productive now that I have more stuff to do. It's ironic because I thought it was going to be the other way round but this schedule seems to be saving me and there's no sign of a burn-out soon.

It's the first time I'm following a proper daily schedule thanks to an assignment I did for my online course. We were asked to make a unique schedule for our study times on google calendar and I used the opportunity to create my personal calendar.

I also made a schedule for hive, listing out communities I would love to post in on each day of the week. Each day has at least two options and depending on my mood or content idea, I know exactly what I'd be putting out when it's hive time.

My days are no longer overwhelming as every activity has its own time and I don't let them run into each other. I used to multi-task a lot to save time but with my new schedule, I realized that facing one activity at a time is a faster way to complete all of my tasks.

When I multi-task moving from one activity to another, the switch to something different overwhelms me and I end up getting tired at the end of the day and might not finish up all of my tasks.

With a schedule, I don't have everything crammed up into one day as different activities are allocated to different days. I wake up every morning knowing exactly what I want to do and I achieve these little goals at the end of the day.

My daily recurring activities are well-spaced with rest times in-between and I usually have enough energy and clear headspace to move on to my next activity.

Sticking to a schedule has taught me to take life one step at a time and I would be fine for the most part. I feel less stressed, less depressed and more active. This is the most functional I've been in a while.


Following a schedule is always fun. I miss writing posts like this though 😁 but it seems, I can't quite sit tight on my table to actually write posts about scheduling and stuff. And as you said, with schedule, you'll likely feel better and less stressed.
