Law Firm: 3-Part Weekend Freewrite - 1/8/2022


Elinor was a well-known criminal lawyer. Long before graduating, she was already working for a well-known brand of lawyers. Where she learned all about criminal law. The slogan of the recognized brand was: "As an essential legal service, our law firm is at your disposal in any criminal matter count only on results, your friend in the law". His friend Fredd was going through a bitter moment, he had been accused of illicit enrichment. He sought the services of that well-known brand, and Elinor along with other lawyers attended his case. They began the investigations and Freed committed many irregularities but in an innocent manner.

That is why he was involved in such an event. Talking with his friend Elinor she learned more about how the facts were presented and Elinor interrupted him and said: -"You must have been crazy thinking this is the right. Freed you must review and read everything you sign, remember that you were in charge of a prestigious company and as an accountant you are responsible for all the transactions that took place there. Fredd nodded and slammed his closed hand on the wall. Elinor thought he had billed his hand.

Fredd's case wasn't easy, but it wasn't hard to solve either, Elinor and her colleagues were hard at work looking for clues that would solve her friend's case. Fredd felt a a splitting headache the day before the verdict on his case. Nerves had him on edge. Stress overwhelmed him and he was hospitalized. Doctors sedated him because his state of panic was too great. Elinor managed to obtain a strong proof that his friend Freed was free from being charged with illicit enrichment. Elinor went to the hospital to break the news to her friend Fredd. She found him in a deep sleep and waited to give him the news in the late afternoon. Freed was happy and shared with his friend Elinor a delicious red berry tea and some cranberry cookies that Fredd's mother had brought him.


Versión Español

Elinor era una reconocida abogada penalista. Mucho antes de graduarse ya prestaba su servicio en una reconocida marca de abogados. Donde aprendió todo lo referente al derecho penal. el lema de la reconocida marca era: "Como un servicio legal esencial, nuestro bufete de abogados está a su disposición en cualquier asunto penal cuente solo con los resultados, tu amigo en la ley". Su amigo Fredd estaba pasando por un momento amargo había sido acusado de enriquecimiento ilícito. Busco los servicios de esa reconocida marca, y Elinor junto con otros abogados atendieron su caso. Comenzaron las averiguaciones y Freed cometió muchas irregularidades pero de una manera inocente.

Por eso fue involucrado en tal hecho. Conversando con su amiga Elinor ella conoció más de cerca cómo se fueron presentando los hechos y Elinor lo interrumpió y le dijo: -"Debes haber estado loco pensando que esto es lo correcto. Freed debes revisar y leer todo lo que firmas, acuérdate que estabas al frente de una prestigiosa empresa y como contador eres responsable de todas las transacciones que allí se llevaban a cabo. Fredd asintió con la cabeza y dio un golpe con su mano cerrada en la pared. Elinor pensó que se había facturado la mano.

El caso de Fredd no estaba fácil, pero tampoco estaba difícil de resolver, Elinor junto con sus colegas trabajaban arduamente buscando pistas que lograran resolver el caso de su amigo. Un dolor de cabeza intenso sintió Fredd un día antes de dar el veredicto de su caso. Los nervios lo tenían desecho. El estrés lo agobiaba y fue hospitalizado. Los médicos lo sedaron porque su estado de pánico era demasiado grande. Elinor logró obtener una prueba contundente donde libraba a su amigo Freed de ser acusado de enriquecimiento ilícito. Elinor se dirigió al hospital para darle la noticia a su amigo Fredd. Lo encontró en un profundo sueño y espero para darle la noticia al final de la tarde. Freed se sintió feliz y compartió con su amiga Elinor un delicioso té de frutos rojos y unas galletas de arándano rojo que la madre de Fredd le había traído.

Gracias por leerme


Well done! I am glad that there were cookies to celebrate :)
