no feeling: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday

Cousin Alberto told his family about the tragic disappearance of his friend Antonio. In strange circumstances he was never heard from again. Many years went by and some of the family members were worried, what made them most impatient was that there was no trace of him. Although they had informed the authorities so that they could begin their search for him.

Alberto was struck by the fact that Antonio Gael's brother did not show any feelings about the disappearance of his brother Antonio, as if he had no blood in his veins and did not show any concern, he only said: "Who knows with whom he may have left. Antonio was a very womanizing man. Many months passed without hearing from him.

Until one morning the news arrived that Antonio had been found safe and sound. He had fled because a man wanted to kill him because of a woman. He hid towards the borders of Venezuela and Brazil. A friend gave him all the support and he was able to save his life. While on the run he worked tirelessly to help his mother. His brother Gael was not wrong about his behavior towards his brother Antonio. He was unfeeling because he knew he would show up. It was just a skirt affair.



El primo Alberto relataba en familia la trágica desaparición de su amigo Antonio. En extrañas circunstancias no se supo mas de él. Pasaron muchos años y algunos familiares estaban preocupados, los que más les impacientaba era que no había rastro de él. Aunque habían dado parte a las autoridades para que comenzará su búsqueda.

Alberto le llamaba mucho la atención que el hermano de Antonio Gael no mostraba ningún sentimiento ante la desaparición de su hermano Antonio como si no tuviera sangre en las venas y no mostraba ninguna preocupación. él solo decía:-quien sabe con quien se habrá marchado. Ya que Antonio era muy mujeriego. Pasaron muchísimos meses sin saber de él.

Hasta que una mañana llegó la noticia que Antonio había aparecido sano y salvo. Que había huido porque un hombre lo quería asesinar por culpa de una mujer. Se oculto hacía los límites de Venezuela y Brasil. Un amigo le prestó todo el apoyo y pudo salvaguardar su vida. Mientras estuvo huyendo trabajo incansablemente para ayudar a su madre. Su hermano Gael no estaba errado sobre el comportamiento que tenía sobre su hermano Antonio. Se mostró sin sentimiento porque el sabía que aparecería. Solo eran líos de falda.

This is my participation in @mariannewest's 5-minute writing exercise.

Esta es mi participación en el ejercicio de 5 minutos de escritura de @mariannewest.

The main image was created in Paint.

La imagen principal fue creada en Paint.

