Unexpected move. Moments of uncertainty [ENG-ESP]


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Hello everyone. I haven't been online for days, I was going through or am going through a very difficult situation. I had to move together with other fellow residents for reasons beyond our control. The truth was that this happened just like that. Waoooo I could not believe it after having done several errands when I arrived at the residence I found out that we must leave as soon as possible because there were legal problems with the person in charge of the residence. I really did not even want to investigate. That day in the afternoon when I found out I did not move. For the economic factor. I panicked again on the street. I could not believe it. How life changes in a matter of seconds. I felt worried and distressed.
Hola a todos. Tenia dias que no me conectaba, estaba pasando o estoy pasando por una situación bien difícil. Tuve que mudarme junto con otros compañeros de residencias por causas ajenas a nuestra voluntad. Lo cierto fue que esto sucedió de ya para ya. Waoooo no lo podía creer después de haber realizado varias diligencias cuando llegó a la residencia me encuentro que debemos de salir de allí lo más pronto posible porque existían problemas legales con el encargado de la residencia. De verdad no quise ni investigar. Ese día en la tarde cuando me enteré no me mude. Por el factor económico . Entre en pánico otra vez a la calle. No lo podía creer. Como cambia la vida en cuestiones de segundo. Me sentí preocupado y angustiado.


That night was fatal for me and my companions, we were in uncertainty. We did not know what fate would have in store for us. Although many moved out immediately and there were only a few of us left to vacate the next day. Thank God I called a colleague and he lent me money to pay for a residence nearby. Like my other colleagues, we were able to find another residence nearby in the same area. Another residence and we were able to settle in. I was very tired. I had a million tachycardia. My heart was pounding. I took things calmly and was able to control myself. I sat in an armchair in the new residence to do a little reflection and to think about how things come up unexpectedly and how we must be prepared for the vicissitudes that may arise. It is not easy but I have learned to lead my life to the sound that I dance to. Thank God I closed that chapter, that cycle in that residence. Sometimes changes are beneficial. I look for the positive side of this experience. I am optimistic that I will soon return to my country.
Esa noche fue fatal para mi al igual que mis compañeros estábamos en incertidumbre. No sabíamos qué nos depararía el destino. Aunque muchos se mudaron inmediatamente y quedamos pocos para luego desalojar el otro dia. Gracias a Dios llame a un colega y me prestó dinero para que pagara una residencia cerca. Al igual que mis otros compañeros conseguimos cerca en la misma zona. Otra residencia y logramos instalarnos. Estaba muy cansado. La taquicardia a millón. El corazón se me iba como a salir. Tomé las cosas con calma pude controlarme. Me senté en un sillón en la nueva residencia hacer un poco de reflexión y de como se presentan las cosas de imprevisto que debemos estar preparados para las vicisitudes que se presenten. No es fácil pero he aprendido a llevar la vida al son que me la bailen. Gracias a Dios cerré ese capítulo, ese ciclo en esa residencia. A veces los cambios son beneficiosos. Le busco el lado positivo a esta experiencia. Y con optimismo que pronto voy a regresar a mi país.


I am now more focused and my goal is to return to my country. I hope not to spend so much time in this country. My greatest wish is to return to be reunited with my family. To take care of my illness, which is very delicate. I am looking for people who can help me and guide me on the easiest way for me to return. Although it is in my plans to return to my country by plane ✈️✈️. I am already on a waiting list at a foundation. I hope that everything goes as it should. I still don't have the document that supports my expired papers such as the ID card and passport. I have to have a document to back it up. I am in that the economic factor is limiting for now I do not have the necessary money to do the diligences all at the same time. But if I have to leave the country I have to do it.
Ya estoy más centrado y mi objetivo es regresar a mi país. Espero no pernoctar tanto tiempo en este país. Mi deseo más grande es regresar reunirme con mi familia. Atender mi enfermedad que es bien delicada. Ando en la búsqueda de personas que me ayuden me orienten cual es la vía más fácil para yo regresar. Aunque está en mis planes regresar a mi país por avión ✈️✈️. Ya estoy en lista de espera en una fundación. Espero que todo se de como debe ser. Aun no tengo el documento que avale mis papeles vencidos como la cédula y el pasaporte. Tengo que tener un documento que me lo avale. Estoy en eso el factor económico es limitante por ahora no cuento con el dinero necesario para hacer las diligencias todas al mismo tiempo. Pero de que tengo que salir de ese país tengo que hacerlo.


am seeing a new direction in my life. I hope it takes its course. I am a little more optimistic. Things happen for a reason, always supported by the laws of spirituality. Before being a doctor, I am a human being who suffers just like any other person. I know that I have had a lot of strength and I have relied a lot on the spiritual, on not losing faith. In leaning on the hope that after the storm comes the calm. And so I rely on a series of tools to lead a more pleasant life and not fall in the attempt. One of my greatest desires is to return to my country Venezuela ✈️✈️ . And I have to achieve it. With faith and optimism.
Ya estoy viendo otro rumbo a mi vida. Espero que agarre su cauce. Estoy un poco más optimista. Por algo suceden las cosas. siempre apoyado en las leyes de la espiritualidad. Antes de ser médico soy un ser humano que sufro al igual que cualquier otra persona. Se que he tenido mucha fortaleza y me he apoyado mucho en lo espiritual. en no perder la fe. En apoyarme en la esperanza que después de la tempestad viene la calma. Y así me apoyo en una serie de herramientas para llevar la vida más placentera y no caerme en el intento. Uno de mis mayores anhelos es regresar a mi país Venezuela ✈️✈️. Y tengo que lograrlo. Con fe y optimismo.


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Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.


Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

Hola! 🙋‍♂️

Muchas gracias por tu aporte! 👏👏

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